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Hello to all my readers!

This will conclude Goals Off Court. I apologize with how long it took me to give you all an update. Being busy can really mess up your plans, as well as how much you want to put out. Fighting between rushing and attempting to find contentment with your work is definitely not a pleasurable feeling. I may just go back to revise when I get more inspiration.

In the meantime, I do plan on writing an epilogue for you all to find satisfaction with how Ash and Serena's future together will end up like, or if you're simply just curious to see how things go for them regardless. I can't say when I'll publish that part (s), but I look forward to it being sooner rather than later.

Until then, it's possible that I'll have another SatoSere story coming out like always. All of your support keeps me flowing with more ideas to share. Your votes, comments, and follows are more helpful than you realize. It's beyond amazing when I see what you all think of my works.

Other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this story's long run. Have a great day and happy reading, readers!

Thank you!

Goals Off Court | SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now