Chapter 60 - Goals Off Court

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Ash placed his bag down in the locker room and grabbed a towel from it. He gestured to Drew with it.

"Just don't follow me to the shower, man."

"You couldn't pay me to." Drew blinked several times at his demand, then sighed. "Be sure when you finish to try to fix what's on your head."

Ash snorted and stepped into the shower. "My hair?"

He heard Drew's voice on the outside. "Precisely."

Ash didn't respond. because now that he was here, he actually felt calmer. As calm as he could possibly be. He just needed to get ready and get in the suit, so he could match her gown.

The gown she looked absolutely gorgeous in.

He really hadn't had much time to process it when he got by the door gremlin and then whisked away by Twinkle Toes, but she looked indescribable. The dress hugged her hips and flowed down around her legs. How was he supposed to dance with her when she looked like that?

Unfair. Always a distraction.

After Ash cleaned himself off, he was finally able to get out the suit and hair gel Serena had given him from his bag. The suit was long, having coattails, and everything. He couldn't remember the last time he wore something so fancy.

He buttoned up his shirt and left his bow tie undone while he poured the gel into his hands. He couldn't imagine this would actually work or look good. He pushed the mess back as much as he could and ran his fingers through his hair. Some strands laid flat, but some of it still stood out at the sides.

Fuck, it was good enough.

Ash sat down on the bench and slipped on his shoes, making his way back out.

Thankfully, Drew told him where Serena would be waiting. Even though the venue looked like some sort of fancy school gym, Ash found it difficult not to get lost.

He pushed opened the door to the green room, carrying his bag. Serena stood, gaze facing the floor as she stood on her tiptoes, stretching out her arms.

"Serena," Ash called, dropping his bag next to hers.

She gasped and her eyes widened when she saw him. He saw her blue eyes gaze up and down at his body, fixated for a moment particularly on his hair.

"Alright," Ash said, defeatedly. "I know it looks like a mess—"

"No, no! That's not it at all." Serena headed towards him and her hand gently smoothed over his black locks. "You... look really handsome."

Her eyes flicked to his lips and she stood on her toes to kiss him lightly while he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You look beautiful in that dress."

Serena's hand gently stroked his cheek. "Thank you." Her fingers stopped at his jaw and she reached for his collar, gently fixing his bow tie. "You really do look great."

"You do, too. You always do." Ash thought for a moment before pressing her hand to his lips. "I'm ready for this."

Serena stared at him, a particular something in her mind. Was it better to tell him now or after? If she said she loved him and he didn't reciprocate, it could throw off the entire dance.

"You okay?" Ash asked, tilting his head towards her.

She flushed at how clean his face looked. Everything about him made her swoon. His jawline, his lips, the golden specs in his brown eyes sparkling down at her—

Serena pushed her thoughts away and spoke up. "If we don't come in first, just don't be mad, okay?"

Ash frowned, confused at that. "Why are you so convinced that we're going to lose?"

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