Chapter 29 - Into Uncertainty

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The sun hid behind the stony sky, as Ash and Serena walked down a practically empty boardwalk.

"First mini golfing and basketball, now this is a whole place you haven't been to much. Your girl friends are probably the worst tour guides ever," he grumbled before he took the last bite of his hot dog.

They had been there for an hour, grabbing themselves something to eat, then marveling at the rides, the different colors and joyful people around them. Serena had dragged him there and with the enthusiasm of an eighty year old man, he let her. It drizzled a while ago, the bleak weather they didn't foresee before coming out there—they came on a whim.

She laughed at this. "That's because Dawn is into the city's nightlife. Not really a daytime activities person." She finished off her fluffy, pink cotton candy and placed the feathery piece in her mouth, letting it dissolve on her tongue. The sweet taste caused a moan to bubble out of her lips. "And May? We'd get so caught up in dance and did go places, but this certainly wasn't one of them."

Some people came to the place, although you'd get the random tourists at times. One wouldn't think it's fully dead per say.

Ash eyed her hazily, the sound of her delighted moan made him feel things he shouldn't—she had been doing that at every bite since he bought it for her an hour ago and he seriously thanked the heavens she was officially done with it as she threw the end of her stick in the trash bin.

He could imagine kissing the sweetness off her lips, her breath tasting like cotton candy and then—

His mouth became dry as he chewed, putting his wrapper in the trash when they made their way through the different stands. "Well, what's next?"

"More games," Serena said right away, licking her own lips from the sugary treat, bouncing on the heels of her feet as she enveloped her arm through his. She pulled him towards another display. "You can win me one of those big pandas."

"I'm not a fan of—"

Serena groaned at his protest. "You will be. You just don't know how to have fun."

"I do know how to have fun."

"I'll give you credit despite me planning majority of our... events." She swallowed at the word she was going to slip out accidentally.


"Why don't we look at the art on the walls or something? You did say you like things that could relieve stress?" He said his next words in a petulant sigh. He knew nothing about art, but somehow, it was the first thing to come into mind.

Serena exhaled. "Okay, then." Usually, he would go along with what she liked to do, always pleasing her. It seemed she took advantage of that invisible string she had tied around his waist, but she gave in. "We can look at the art walls."

"But if we don't like them, then we come back and you're going to owe me that panda." She poked his chest in mock irritation, the curl of her lips contradicting the sting of her tone.

Ash smiled and began to chuckle, her compelling eyes almost drawing him back in to please her wish. Arm still around him, he pulled her in the opposite direction of the game stands and she turned just enough to look over at them longingly.

"Don't worry, Serena. We'll come back."

She swirled her head back around to look at him through narrowed eyes, burning holes at the side of his face. "You better be really good at getting it into the hole."

Serena chuckle turned into a roar of laughter, and then he looked back at her with an uplifting brow; that was when she realized what was insinuated.

"Oh, my god? You can't be serious." She said wide-eyed, her cheeks turning red. "Enough of that mind of yours." She shoved him with her shoulder.

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