Untitled Part 27....

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The rest of the day.

"Aren't you worried about your gut. "Said Spade.

"This is a nondairy orange cream flavored milkshake. "Said Avery.

"It smells good. "Said Ellis.

"Maybe you can have a taste. "Said Avery.

He didn't mean sharing his food he meant kissing.

It was fun a month later.

"It's the birthday of the most gorgeous woman to ever grace the earth. "Said Lola.

It was Monique's birthday and Lola was planning something special for her girlfriend.

 Monique was hanging out with Ellis since they don't hang out a lot.

"Your girlfriend is really pretty. "

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Well you two look good together."

This has happen to Monique and Ellis the last time they hang out together, someone assuming they are a couple.

Someone assumed this once and Monique straight up said "I have a girlfriend."

That shut them up.

Monique does think Ellis is a awesome guy and Ellis thinks Monique is a awesome woman but they aren't attracted to each other- Ellis is attracted to nonwomen and while Monique is attracted to men she's not into him.


Lola was getting a cake made and already made a mini basket of some stuff for her girlfriend.

Lotion, her favorite perfume, her favorite plum flavored snacks, her favorite lip gloss and some hair charms.  

Monique ended up loving it.

A week later.

Newt and Kameron were in the living room of their new house talking with Devin and Kaylin about cake designs since those two said they would make the cake.

"So I came up with cake designs . "Said Devin.

"And I make a list of flavors and combinations we could try. "Said Kaylin.

"These are really good designs. "Said Newt who recently got fixed to his implant that lets him hear ninety percent of sound.

"I have been drawing dessert designs since my grandparents taught me how to bake. "Said Devin.

Devin's goal in life was to be a successful chef so he can buy a new house for his grandparents since they did so much for him and his siblings.

"So you like strawberry and you like Raspberry, idea one is a layered cake with strawberries and raspberries on top with butter cream icing on top would be two mini version of you two ."Said Kaylin .

"I like that one. "Said Kameron.

"I do too. "Said Newt.

"The cake topper part could be tricky. "Said Kaylin.

"All we would need is a 3d printer and a little platform to put in on since a regular cake topper wouldn't work since Newt has implants, his hair is dyed purple also it's long and half of his head is shaved and you Kameron have long green hair. "Said Devin.

"I can get a 3d printer, one of my brothers owns once but was he told he he was getting a upgraded once and he's trade me a box of thrifted art I told him about . "Said Kaylin.

"It can fit in my car since it's big enough since I have to keep my wheelchair, my walker, my cane and my crutches in it. "Said Devin.

Devin has a messed of spine, back pain, basically he can't stand up unless he's holding on to something.

He had work done to his spine a while ago but it still hurts to stand up with holding on something.

He hates going thought a metal detector despite the stuff used to fix his spine not being metal it's because he has to carry something made from metal- crutches, walker, cane.

 Plus his wheelchair exist.

He owns a wooden cane but that's more of a formal cane.

Devin had no trouble getting into this house since the former owners added rails and ramps once one of the former owners was having trouble walking.

While they were talking.

Kameron mentioned his new job- he's working the front desk at a clinic working on computers.

Newt works a bookstore.

The sound of crying baby caused one of the new parents to get up and check on their twins.

Kameron was holding one of the twins when he came back into the room.

He went to go feed them in the kitchen- they can eat solid foods now.

He took care of everything else and went to go sit down while everyone was talking.

Newt took care of the other baby while this was going on.

Kameron got a text that his old high school was having something.

It's not about if he should go but will he go.

He tells Newt about it.

Newt got a similar text.

"A room full of people who use to ask me 'can you hear me' and make fun of my hair and the food I brought to school hard pass. "Said Newt.

"Or that group of Christian kids who said God would fix me if I went to church. "Said Kameron.

Lola goes to talk to them about the text once she and Monique come home from work.

Lola works at a makeup store and Monique works at a burger restaurant 

"I don't wanna be around the guy who told me that being bisexual was a turn off because he was such a annoy meathead. " Said Lola.


"Not going. "Said Spade.

"Nope not happening ew ."Said Avery.

"It might be fun plus you won't have to go to anything related to it until years from now. "Said Ellis.

"I got called a Satan worshiper for my hair dyed hair and the Japanese Visual Kei shirts I wore to school some called me a hippie because of my tie dyed shirts. "Said Spade.

"Why be around a bunch of people who made fun of the food you brought to school also once I stayed living with my aunt, someone made a rumor about my parents kicking me out for drug use . "Said Avery.

"Gym class was a nightmare because I hate having to play flag football because someone pushed my face in the dirt just so they could take my flag. "Said Spade.

"Someone tried to put my retainer in the toilet at orchestra and band camp. "Said Avery.

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