Untitled Part 5....

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Spade was playing video games with Ellis.

"I like someone I just met. "Said Spade.

"Is it me. "Said Ellis.

"Why do you ask ."Said Spade.

"You just met me. "Said Ellis.

"Yeah. "Said Spade.

"Well I am flattered . "Said Ellis.

"But you're not into me. "Said Spade.

"No I am. "Said Ellis.

Well while this was going on Hector ran into Kaylin.

"I working for the school's newspaper can I ask you a few questions. "Said Kaylin.

"Sure. "Said Hector.

"What's your name. "Said Kaylin.

"Hector Jesus  Reyes. "Said Hector.

"What is your major . "Said Kaylin.

"Entomology, I want to study bugs. "Said Hector.

"How has school been going gone. "Said Kaylin.

"Good. "Said Hector.

"Are you single and if so would you like to out with me. "Said Kaylin.

"Is that a question on the list. "Said Hector.

"No . "Said Kaylin.

"So bold, sure. "Said Hector.

So they go to hang out.

"I'm having a good time. "Said Hector.

"Same here. "Said Kaylin.

The next day.

"What are you doing. "Said Lola during breakfast.

"Texting Newt. "Said Kameron.

She laughed a little.

"Like you aren't doing the same with Monique. "Said Spade.

"It would be funny had you not had your phone out. "Said Lola.

"Rude. "Said Spade.

Speaking of the devils.

The lucky three sat down.

Breakfast was going well.

The first and second months of school went well.

Now it's Oct plus homecoming week for colleges.

Lola was busy with basketball practice.

Kameron was helping out with making signs since he's in the art club- he's a med student who likes to draw.

Spade was working on a project for school.

He was using this tool he got to open rocks and see if any have a anything in them.

Everything went well.

Kameron was meeting up with one of his roommates so they could get snacks for their dorm.

They are allowed to have snacks and a hot plate in their dorms but safer is important.

Someone made a comment about his roommate's skin tone which ended with Kameron saying "Ignore him he's not worth your time. "

Which he did.

But that angered the man because they weren't reacting to him but then someone told him to shut the hell up and he left.

(in my book genocidal stuff happening currently in the world don't exist, racism still does but not that.)

Someone who didn't know better once asked Diya if his family knew he's gay.


"And they don't have a issue with it."

"I have two moms also in my culture pharaohs wore makeup ."

Kameron liked his new roommates because they weren't bigots like his old ones.

Kameron originally had nice ones but then someone switched with him.

Spade was working.

"Hey are you going to be at the basketball game. "Said Ellis.

"Which one. "Said Spade.

Their school has gendered sport teams but only for football and basketball but that's because a parent complained about enough.

"Men one, I'm going to be playing. "Said Ellis.

"I'll be there. "Said Spade.

Spade did end up running into someone from his past while hanging out with Ellis.

"Avery Yang. "Said Spade.

"Oh hey Spade. "Said Avery- Tall, Korean American, a history major and plays sports.

"Who's that's "Said Ellis.

"This is my ex Avery. "Said Spade.

"Oh ."Said Ellis.

"We broke up because his parents were bigots. "Said Spade.

"My mom has gotten better since the divorced but I ended up living with my aunt. "Said Avery.

Later on.

"You're Spade's best friend ."Said Ellis.

"Yeah why do you ask. "Said Newt.

"You know about his relationship with a guy named Avery Yang. "Said Ellis.

"Yeah they broke up because Avery's parents threaten to not pay for college or allow him to get scholarships if they didn't break up. "Said Newt.

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