Untitled Part 21.....).........

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Fun facts about everyone and get to know them better- since I'm the author and get to decide what traits they have.

Kaylin is one of the tallest in the friend group.

Diya has his lip pierced, part of his head is currently shaved, his hair is dyed orange and he wears makeup which upsets racist people he's around when he doesn't fit the ideas they had for Arabian men.

Devin has a messed up spine, he uses mobility aids such as wheelchairs, canes, walkers and sometimes crutches the ones you stick your arm in.

None of them are plus sized but some of them weight two hundred pounds plus there's bigger characters around them.

Kameron is the youngest of the triplets.

The smartest in the friend group is Hector- he's a honor student , the second smartest Devin he also was a honor student.

The worst at cooking- all of them are good at it.

Who's most likely to help out old people- Devin, he's around old people a lot do to being around his grandparents.

Kaylin is the oldest and Monique is the youngest.

Diya doesn't pray a lot and sometimes doesn't fast but he will.

Will there be a poly trio in this story-maybe, maybe not you will have to see later, I have been trying to add it but then end up changing it.

Monique has two dads while Diya has two moms.

Avery is slowly talking to his mom again, they will never be as close as either of them would hope to be but you will see them talk later.

Avery and Spade were friends before they got together.

Avery and Newt use to be friends.

Avery is lactose intolerance.

Avery, Devin and Lola are the only people in the friend group who don't have dyed hair, Avery did had dyed hair for a little bit when he started college.

The ends of Ellis' hair are blue.

Newt has half of his hair shaved and his hair is long and dyed purple.

Kameron has Green hair but do to some picrew creators not having the color it will be blue just for the one I add.

Spade has red dyed hair.

Monique has red dyed hair and wears her hair in braids.

Hector is Catholic and went to private school before he went to college.

Kaylin is Buddhist.

Devin doesn't go to church for reasons. 

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