Untitled Part 18.......)

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Valentine days arrives and what do a bunch of gay college students in relationships do plan cost efforted dates.

Spade had to work those.

Work is going well.

He's jealous of all the couples since he can't celebrate with Ellis.

Ellis is back in the dorm doing homework.

He gave Spade his gift earlier.

It was a a book that Spade wanted but didn't get himself.

Spade was tired from work but had homework to do but after all of that was done he went to bed.

The next day classes were cancelled do to a holiday.

"Why did you wake me up. "Said Spade.

"Pancakes. "Said Newt.

"Newton Brandon Wattana you woke me up because of pancakes. "Said Spade.

"Dude why did you use my full name and two the pancakes are at that breakfast place we like they have maple bacon pancakes and Strawberry shortcake ones plus college discount. "Said Newt.

"Fine who else is coming ."Said Spade.

"Ellis, Kameron, Diya and Devin, I was going to ask Lola but she and Monique both have work, Hector is with Kaylin looking for bugs to take photos of for a project also this place has handicap parking so Devin was okay with it also anyone else I could of as well is busy. "Said Newt.

Devin is a wheelchair user but he can still drive, his spine doesn't work right but he can still drive and he does drive.

Sometimes he uses a cane if he can't use his wheelchair, he gets a lot of dirty looks from old people given that he's too young in their eyes to need a cane, walker or wheelchair even those he uses all of those things.

His walker can also turn into a chair-it's purple which is his favorite color.

His cane is black and his wheelchair has a pillow for his back.

Newt can relate to old people assuming he's faking stuff.

They see his cochlear implant and think he's faking his deafness.

Newt can read lips and can hear using his implant plus he got a hearing aid in his ear that he can barely hear in, he's going to get a implant in that ear later.

They arrived at the place.

"Diya can you get my walker please. "Said Devin.

"Sure Dev . "Said Diya.

Devin had his walker because he didn't want to bring his wheelchair also he wanted to move his legs around.

Devin wants to become a chef so he can one day buy his grandparents a bigger house since they did so much for him and his siblings.

"Parents' day is coming up. "Said Ellis.

"Another day of people asking where is your dad why don't you have one. "Said Diya.

"The it's parents day not grandparents' day where are your parents. "Said Devin.

They mentioned it to their other friends.

"The why are you guys so tall I thought Asian people were short. "Said Kaylin.

"Racial comments are sadly normal for my family. "Said Hector.

"The does your mother know you're bisexual ."Said Lola.

"Is she okay with having a gay son ."Said Spade.

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