Untitled Part 6

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"Spade can I borrow your orange hoodie, mine got paint on it when me and Kameron were making signs. "Said Newt knocking on the door.

"I'm busy. "Said Spade.

Spade opened the door and hands him the hoodie.

"I ran into my ex Avery. "Said Spade.

"Ellis told me. "Said Newt.

"Okay. "Said Spade.

Then Spade said "Yeah he's doing good, he's a student here just like us. "

"Do you still have feelings for him. "Said Newt.

"No I like Ellis, he makes my heart beat fast and when I'm around him I'm like I'm so in love with him. "Said Spade.

Ellis walked into the dorm with Hector.

Ellis gave Spade a look that read is it okay to hug you.

"Yes you can hug me. "Said Spade.

Which he did.

"My second date with Kaylin went well I really like him. "Said Hector.

They were happy for him.

Ellis ended up running into Avery again but there was no fighting.

Ellis wasn't jealous at all, he has nothing to worry about.

"Hey do you still like Spade. "Said Ellis.

"I use to but don't worry I'm not going to take him from you. "Said Avery.

"I wasn't thinking that also he's not my boyfriend. "Said Ellis.

"Oh too bad you two look like you would make a lovely couple . "Said Avery.

 "We both like each other but we're not there yet. "Said Ellis.

"I have a question are your parents okay with you liking guys. "Said Avery.

"Yeah. "Said Ellis.

"Well then you don't have any of the issues I had to deal with. "Said Avery.

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