Chapter 23 (Eli):

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My headache feels like a stampede of seven hundred elephants in my head. Not to mention, my arm feels like a bloody beast went right ahead and bit a chunk off it.

"Morning, sunshine," Lucarious' all-too-cheery voice drawled from the seat beside me. Sitting up, I tried recalling the events of the other day. Everetta, Everetta, right, she was having a tantrum. Lords she sure did a number on me.

"Did you heal her?" I asked, removing the cover and finally noticing the chunk of bone that was my arm. I glared at the man before me. Really? Couldn't you do me the courtesy of healing me too? Well, at least he stopped the blood with a spell. I could recognize the smell of his magic from a mile away. The ashy burnt smell of smoke like burning fires of hell. Lucarious smiled devilishly. I glared at him.

Lucarious shrugged. "Of course I did. I'm a gentleman aren't I? Besides what the Gods happened? I walked in to see what the fuss was about, and yes, I also helped erase the little disturbance from everyone's minds if you were wondering. But anyhow there I was by the door seeing you and Ev go about it like some animals." he asked, all nonchalance gone as his steely blood red eyes stared back at me. I shook my head.

After all, we all knew how bloodthirsty Everetta could be. I sighed, flipping my good hand over my mangled one. Lords, I didn't even think about the servants, never mind anyone else. I was just worried about her, who knows how much damage she would have done if I didn't manage to stop her.

"She hasn't woken has she?" I asked, making sure to check in on her myself just in case. Using my magic to sense if hers has stirred yet. Ensuring that her energy was still in that room I sighed a breath of relief. Lucarious must have moved me to my room after the whole ordeal. But just in case she does wake I'll cast another sleep spell under her bed just in case. It's best if she doesn't wake until I find a solution to contain her anger.

Why did she even get angry, that girl. She could be such a child at times.

"No, I checked on her before and it seemed like she was asleep, out cold if you ask me." Lucarious responded, lifting a shoulder before furrowing his brows in confusion.

"What is it?" I frowned back at the confused man before me.

As if just coming back to the present Lucarious flashed his signature grin," Nothing. Just worried. I mean that was quite the little explosion she had."

"She is not herself right now. And quite frankly, I don't have time to deal with her. I've placed a sleeping rune under her; don't destroy it unless you want to be mauled to death. And needless to say, make sure no one but us is allowed in that room, not even that bloody witch of a sister you have. I have no doubt she must have angered Everetta in someway" I said, causing Lucarious to roll his eyes. The man was too protective of his younger sister, or perhaps I should say he loved his sister all too much. But I suppose I could relate. I wouldn't want anyone to bad mouth Snow.

"Why do you guys always suspect my sister for everything? Maybe this is just because she has been away from Flynn, you know the real one, for a while now. As much as I detest the idea. She needs him, unless we want her to get even more unhinged of course. Speaking of which, are you really just going to let that fake prince stay here?" Lucarious questioned, defending his sister as always. I shrugged at the second part. I honestly don't know, I mean in a way he was blood linked to me now, which meant he was family.

"Your sister has tried to harm Everetta several times already, as we all know she's even attempted to kill her once. I, for one, don't have time for her little shenanigans. Besides, with or without Flynn, Everetta doesn't just go on a sudden tantrum for no reason. The distance hasn't caused any harm to me so far, I don't see how she would have suddenly gone crazy for nothing, your sister must have done something to make her go bonkers all of a sudden. Now leave I do need to get some rest, and before you even think about killing me in my sleep I'll have you know I'm not so depleted of magic I couldn't end you unconsciously." I said glaring at the King of Blood and Fire, who rolled his eyes yet again in turn. But just to ensure he kept the bloody hell away from me I spelled my door so that no one could enter once Lucarious had left.

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