Chapter 7 (Luna):

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The second night was bone-chilling, cool, and filled with echoing howls of the night.

"So, what did you see?"  A hushed voice said. Startling me, as I nearly jumped out of my skin.

We were only midway towards the Winter Wonderlands but closer now, and farther from those guards. They bought the distraction as their voices faded moments after their tromping footsteps headed towards the blazing tree I had set afire, making sure my flames didn't spread to the other trees in the vicinity. The guards must have still thought my magic was unstabled causing that fire. Not that it wasn't, Just not in the way they would think. Instead of bursting out into blazing flames it was more like I couldn't summon the little magic I even had. My magic, just what happened to it. I was lucky that Eli's magic was enough for me to use.

    I turned, meeting the smiling gleam of brightly lit golden eyes in the pitch darkness of the night like stars in the sky. I frowned, rolling my eyes. She was not a star, if anything she was more like a meteor killing everything when it landed. The girl pouted looking at me with puppy eyes, as if she could read my nasty thoughts about her. I narrowed my eyes wondering if she actually could. It wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. I'm being too paranoid. She's still only recovering her memories, thanks to the boy. She's not quite back yet. Because if she was then I knew for sure she wouldn't have just sat back and let those guards live. The girl I knew would have ended their lives. "Leave no loose ends", that is what she'd said once.

Relax, I reminded myself. She doesn't have her memories remember, she was never one for the long game anyway. Sighing I turned over in my small nest of covers I'd made for tonight.

"Oh come, just tell me one little secret please." She begged closing in on me.

Still, how did she know I had a vision? No, she can't be referring to the vision I just had, no unless. That's right she must know I am still an oracle that's why they must have come after me, but no, that doesn't quite sit right. As I pondered the question she leaned even closer, to the point where my breath was nearly her's as well. Hasn't she ever heard of personal space? I scowled as I leaned away from her beaming joyous face, though what was there to be happy for I had no idea.

"I know you're an oracle, come on what visions have you seen so far, anything bout' me? Eli told me you were an oracle, and that you could help us, come on. He said our fates or something were intertwined so you should have seen something bout' me right?" She said her eyes were lighting up with hope, hold on she doesn't know?

Wait, Eli told her I was an oracle? Then she didn't know that I was before now, so then. A realization came across me as I stared at the boy, Eli, holy hell. A smile etched my lips as I pondered the thought, I was right. If that little break the boy made us take wasn't suspicious as was, if he really was manipulating her memories then. I smiled at the thought, as I might have found my little leverage against these two. For now, I'll have to wait it out.    

Being an oracle I can see the future and the past, of not just me though of people that might have major impacts on this realm.

As if sensing or knowing this the girl, Everetta continued," Oh come on Eli, told me you were an oracle or something, I'm sure you must have seen something by now. Like~, our pasts? Or maybe the future, really not sure how it works, which is why you gotta just tell me!" I nearly sucked in a breath at the chills crawling up my spine from her words.

I kept my mouth shut knowing fully well if I told this girl anything she would probably try and twist it to her advantage. Use it as blackmail or something.

"I don't know what you mean," I said, ripping my foot off the ground one by one.

Honestly, could the ground be any more wet? It might as well be quicksand at this point.

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