Chapter 2 (Everetta):

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Pulling one arrow after another, I sent them flying, aiming directly at the center between their eyes, right against the large red dots on their foreheads.

Who knew these ten-foot beasts could be brought down with one mere arrow right at their center, haha, who's the bigger boss now, bitches. Smirking, I felt proud of myself, until I saw the five other werehound Eli had killed to my three. I frowned knocking another arrow. Jumping up to avoid a bite to my calves I twisted midair launching an arrow at the beast behind me.

Maybe, I should try two arrows at a time. That would be much quicker. So I did. And man was I good with an arrow. Two more hounds fell on my count. Just as I spotted Eli lunging for another, his movements like a wolf on the prowl as he pounced at his prey. Ducking to avoid the werehound in front of him just as another was coming from behind him as he ducked up to stab at the underside of the Werehound's belly. That wouldn't kill it but it would wound it enough for him to aim for the center spot between its eyes.

I sometimes think it's like their third eye or something but whenever I mention it to Eli he just frowns and sneers his nose at me. Prim prick. Though he didn't refuse the thought. Closing my eye to center my focus so as to not nick Eli. I let the arrow loose with an exhale of my breath. Opening my eyes I watched the whoosh of the arrow flying across the air. I commented in my head as it landed square center on the werehound. Bullseye! I'd practiced shooting my bow with just my senses a few times since meeting Eli and well nicked him a few times. I tell you it's the little wins that count.

To be honest with you, this is the first time I haven't nicked him. Sad.

Catching my arrow and yanking it out of the were hound as he slammed the other werehound in front of him down he turned and gave me a nod. Ek, ya I did it! I finally did it! Yes! Can't quite use my magic to recall my arrows yet but hey, I'm getting there, I think.


I was all but happy for two seconds until a quick breeze flew past me as I turned, spotting a small fleck of golden hair falling to the ground. I turned back to glare at Eli who'd thrown the dagger, never mind, it hit a werehound, my hair. Asshole! He did this on purpose. The guys didn't even dare to look back at me. He definitely did that on purpose.

I glared daggers toward the back of said blond head. This wasn't over yet. I didn't even nick him this time. How unfair!

Turning back round I took out my anger on the werehound behind me launching one arrow after another before tossing the bows and arrows aside and going head-on with my daggers.

I wasn't made for close combat but that didn't mean I wasn't good. Jabbing the damn thing against one werehound I launched towards another one behind the one I was currently injuring. Using my foot to unhinge the knife from its belly I launched myself back standing atop one werehound and plunging the dagger right into the bullseye.

"Fuck ya!" I said just as the last one standing fell with a flick of another arrow.

I turned around only to frown. The bastard just had to one-up me.

"I hate you," I muttered glaring at the boy in front of me as he ripped up his dagger from the werehound at his feet.

"Yes, yes, never mind that, just grab one and help me skin him," Eli said as I rolled my eyes.

What would be nice is if I could just use magic to store all these Werehounds that way I don't have to go hungry all the time. Plus, eating berries gets tiring, and their not very fulfilling.

Suddenly a white box appeared in front of me. Well, not technically a white box more like some portal thingy. I smiled already knowing what it was. Lately, my magic has been coming back to me rather quickly, I think it's because I'm closer to my other half, but whatever it is I'm just happy. The same could be said for Eli. I smiled at the thought. So what do I do? I boast about it in front of him. Touching each werehound with my magic box, dragging the process out as I watch the simmering anger hidden behind his oh-so-annoyed attitude. Also calling this thingy magic box sounds a lot better than "the magic portal thingy". I mean who'd wanna call it the magic portal thingy?

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