Chapter 15 (Everetta)

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How long has it been now since I first entered the room? An hour- five hours? Who knows, I always get lost in my studies. I remembered once my mother scolded me for missing our family dinners because I accidentally passed out from exhaustion, she always did say I needed to mind my health too and not just- Huh? What did she say, and what the fuck was a I thinking about? My mother, whose that? Well whatever, I need to focus on my red powder. But, what was I doing again? I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. A slight ringing in my head was pounding through my skull as I felt my vision start to blur.

A bright blue sky, cool blue eyes staring back at me. "Remember me Evie." The boy before me said. As I blinked rapidly watching as the scene faded as I was back in the Princes room once more. That-that was weird. And who was Evie? I feel like I should know that name somewhere.

"Everetta? Miss. Everetta? Are you alright?"I jolted back to reality at the sound realizing I had unknowingly closed my eyes at the onslaught of pain jolting my brain.

"What? I was listening," I blurted out, my gaze colliding with clear blue eyes that, for some inexplicable reason, felt strangely familiar yet not. Almost similar to the boy I'd just got a vision of, was that a vision or a memory? Ugh, I feel like my mind is melting away like ice cream on a hot day. I frowned at that unsettling thought.

"I just finished sharing everything I know about power. How about we start experimenting with it?" Flynn suggested, catching me off guard.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Let's mix in some dragon's scale, see if it interacts with the power in any way. As dragon's scale is known to either nullify or enhance effects, so it's worth a shot," I replied, plunging into a series of experiments that involved an array of ingredients and mystical concoctions trying to ignore the ache in the back of my head. And soon enough it did go away. But what is happening to me? It couldn't be right?

Despite our best efforts, the elusive power seemed impervious to any alterations or enhancements. A sigh escaped me, tinged with disappointment. It seemed like another dead-end. Or so I would have thought if I hadn't stumbled upon a potential breakthrough, something that Prince Flynn was holding. He seemed intent on keeping it from me though. Hmm, wonder why that is.

Smiling, I leaned a bit away to catch a glimpse of the object but he was hiding it far too well. I frowned inwardly, I'll figure it out one way or another. Maybe I should sneak back in later tonight and steal it but then again I wouldn't even know what I would be looking for. Hmm, what to do, what to do. Doesn't he know that hiding it would only make me more and more curiouser.

"So, umm, we're having a ball and stuff for my little sister's birthday, you know. W-Would you mind joining me for a dance?" Flynn asked, snapping my attention back to him. But hm, what is it that he was hiding?

Why the secrecy? I needed to get my hands on whatever it was. Ahha! Finally a good look. Hmm let's see that glow, the color, it's quite feathery? Oh I know what it is, a phoenix feather! Rejoicing at the discovery in my mind. Now how should I obtain one just secretly snatch it from here or I could just pluck one from Lucarious I joked. He was a Phoenix descendant afterall, Eli told me. But he couldn't shift so there was no plucking of feathers there. Only the strongest of Fae could shift. So let's see if there were more phoenix feathers stored around here, they were rare but then again this was a castle, so they should have at least a few stored up here. The royals do love their rarities, feathers and all. I'll come back later tonight and experiment some more.

Happy with my brilliant plant I enthusiastically exclaimed, "Sure! But hey, I'm feeling a bit tired today. How about we postpone our experiments until tomorrow?"

"Really? That's great! I'll send a dress to your room in two days. I'll be looking forward to our dance," Prince Flynn declared with an air of excitement, leaving me puzzled about this unexpected dance he spoke of.

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