Chapter 11 (Lucarious)

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Some contents in this Chapter maybe offensive to some readers. Nothing written here is meant to offend any groups of people but purely for entertainment purposes.

For us Phoenixes, it's only common that we remember our pasts, but what's uncommon is to relive a life over and over again. One can say me and my sister were odd commodities or perhaps that's just what a purebred can do. In all my lives I've never once been anything but a prince, never had I not slain my father, and never once had I been cast into the impoverished dirt roads people called villages. That was until this life.

What's more uncommon, we Phoenixes shouldn't have such vivid recollections of our pasts. Yes, vaguely we would remember what we had gone through. But it was more like a feeling than actual visions. Like we know we had been reincarnated but can't quite recall all our past memories. I always thought perhaps it was because I was a ROYAL I had these visions. But, then the books I've read contradicted my thoughts.

For my mother was a ROYAL. Yet, when she was reborn, through all of my timelines, she'd never once been selected again to be a ROYAL that is. For you can only have the powers of a ROYAL only once no matter how many lives you get to live. I on the other hand seem to always be selected to be a ROYAL. Why? To be honest, I couldn't care less, I mean who would question the power they were given, at least not when it gave them such overwhelming strength. So I never did, until now.

Why give me all the magic in the world only for me to watch my empire crumble in each life I pursue? The crown was taken from me by what, shadows. I'd tried every way possible to preserve my empire. I even aligned myself with those who were supposed to serve me, I even helped them come out of those meager flat-against-the-wall imitations, quite literal shadows if you understand what I am saying.

They weren't always able to walk freely in a physical form of their own, always copying the shape of other Fae. I tried staying neutral, I even gave up the crown on my own free will, ok, no I didn't, but I offered a truce, yet, how? How in the world did they manage to overthrow me- I mean me, of all the people in the world how dare they! And then, it struck me, a way I could get my Kingdom back.

    The idea was so sour, so Sheep like I shivered in my own skin. But, as vile and sheep awful as the wretched smell of rotting corpses upon mountains and mountains of maggots crawling around through their bone and moss-covered skin, organs munched off, half-eaten, I had to. I had to ask for help. Cat's save me now.

    Alas, for my kingdom to once again reunite with its glory and pristine flames of pride I must ask for... dare I say So, sighing, inwardly of course, never must show enemies your weakness, ever. So as strong as the Winter King was, when I heard word of Dragon Ambassadors, I knew they were false. Fake. Masks to hide their true identity. And if memory serves me right, Eli had always prevailed in dethroning his father. Never really quite as efficient as I did but well, he did, eventually. And so I knew this must be his little ploy to play lion in a mouse's skin. Only question was how had he been able to pull off that little lie?

Straightening the tie around my neck, I smiled and lied straight through my teeth upon one look at those golden pupils shining even in the dim light of this tundra. By lie I do mean to simply agree that yes that was the badge but omitting the fact that no I do not think those three were any ambassadors of any sort. Hell I think they would all rather choke themselves to death then bow to that mongrel of the Spring Court.

And although I was planning on dosing myself in Fairy Wine after the evenings meeting, my poor dear little sister just had to drag me elsewhere. Making me really regret not drinking that wine before the meeting with that so-called Winter King. Pretty much the only way we Fae could really get drunk is by drinking those sheep-awful fairy wines. And although fairies were sometimes a good fuck, I wouldn't want to stay longer than the necessary time it took to get me off. Those things sure had a mouth on them, and not just for sucking my cock, pity.

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