Chapter 35

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As I pulled up to the hospital, I got chills. This place felt wrong. It was this gut feeling that made me want to be anywhere but here. We all exited our vehicles, and I noticed a petite woman at the entrance of the main building. Before we approached her, I turned to the guy exiting his police vehicle. I walked towards him,

"Hey! You must be Erick. I'm (Y/N). I'd like to thank you for doing this, I know that if I were in your shoes, this would probably be the last place I'd want to spend my day off." I laugh while shaking his hand. He laughs as well,

"It's all okay. Like I said, I've always wanted to explore this place. This just gives me an excuse to do so legally." He follows me back to the group where I introduce everyone here. Once introductions are over, we walk to the woman at the front. That is where our tour begins. We walked through the grounds of the hospital. She pointed out the places we were not allowed to go whatsoever. After walking for what felt like forever, we ended up back where we started. The tour guide gives the officer a map of the building that circles the rooms that are condemned.

We opened up the back of the van and got out all of the equipment. I grabbed my duffel bag and took out my camera. The tour guide does decide to stick around just in case we do get lost, however, she had said she'd be outside of the building. She gave Erick her phone number, in case we needed her to help get out of there. I began filming me and the girls,

"Hey everyone, it's me, (Y/N)! Today we are outside the Central State Hospital formerly known as the Georgia Lunatic Asylum in Milledgeville. I am joined today by," I pan the camera around to all of the girls while saying their names, "Claire, Margo, Emily, and Gabby." I turned the camera to the hospital to get a good shot of the main entrance. I explained that we were here at the same time as the boys, but we were keeping it separated.

We made our way into the building. I followed behind the boys, the girls followed behind me, and Erick followed behind all of us. The boys make their way into a chapel called the Central Chapel. It was a creepy place to start, however all of us decided to start in the Chapel together. We would separate once we got to the actual hospital buildings. We all gathered around the building. Somehow, it was peaceful. It didn't feel horrible, at least not as horrible as the campus had been feeling. I was the first to unceremoniously take a seat on a pew. Gaege followed after me and sat next to me. Each of the girls sat beside their respective partners. I pull out my camera and film the girls all behind me. They each give a thumbs up.

Eventually, we leave the chapel and make our way to the Green building. ((yes, I have found a map of the hospital to be able to accurately describe locations)) The boys go in the North wing, and we go to the South while Erick sits in the middle of the two wings. I brought an extra EMF reader and an extra spirit box that the boys had and sat it down in the middle of the room. I took a seat and the girls all followed suit, sitting in an arch. I set the camera on the opposite side of us and pointed it at us. I start the recording again,

"Alrighty guys, so right now we are in the Green building. This used to be a dorm room for the patients who were institutionalized there. The air feels heavier than the Chapel from earlier. I personally believe that people's agony can latch onto a room." After going through an introduction to the area and the building itself I point to the equipment on the floor. It explains how each thing works for the audience and for the girls around me.

"Now, I don't know how she feels about me saying this, so it might not be in the video, but Emily is something similar to a medium. She was hesitant to come here in the first place, so please understand that if she suddenly disappears in the middle of the video that she probably went back to the van." She nodded her head at what I was saying. I turned on the equipment and set it on the floor. Each of us took turns calling out for anything to happen.

It wasn't until it got to Claire speaking that a chill ran down my spine.

"Woah- did you guys feel that?" The all looked at me puzzled, "I felt a chill go down my back, maybe I'm just cold though." Before I could work my mind into a corner, I dismissed the feeling. We continued on; however, I asked only Claire to ask questions and stuff for a bit. It wasn't until she asked if anyone was suffering that the EMF maxed out. The spirit box that had been just static the whole time started spewing out words like "help" "pain" "torture". The air felt thick, and I felt like my heart was being squeezed.

Everyone in the room seemed to be shaken up. We were all looking at each other as if asking if that really just happened. I spoke up,

"We understand that a lot of cruel things happened here. Is there anything we can do to help?" I felt a breeze come out of nowhere. I tried my best to keep my sounds under control, but it wasn't until I heard the whimpering coming from Emily that I realized something may be up.

"Emily, what is it?" She opened her mouth to speak but shut it soon after. She seemed to be trying to calm herself down.

"I swear I saw something out of the corner of my eyes. It just spooked me." I acknowledged this and decided that for right now we'd take a break. I stand up and turn off my camera. The girls followed me, as we made our way to where the rest of the guys were.

Alright for context, I'd like to say that I'm doing as much research as I can about this place. I personally haven't ever been here, but I feel like in order to do it justice I need to make sure it's as accurate as possible. However, in 2023 the governor of Georgia put in a demolition order for the building you are in this chapter and a few more. This is due to the environmental damage and the decay of the building itself. However, in this story, I have decided to keep these buildings where they were. I apologize for the inaccuracy of current times. Thank you as always - <3

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