Chapter 31

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I've been in the airport bathroom for a long time now. I know that Gaege is probably worried, but I just don't want to be out in the open. The thought of being watched got to be too much. We had walked over to where Clarie, Margo, Josh and Mully were only for me to go back into a panic attack. I left the group and went to the nearest bathroom. Which is how I ended up where I am now, in a stall. I did my best to get my breathing under control, but it was taking a bit. Every time the door opens and shuts, I spiral a bit. I hear the door open, and a few sets of feet come in. I place my hand over my mouth to quiet my inconsistent breathing.

"(Y/N)? Which stall are you?" I hear Gabby's voice. I open the stall door and walk out to them. It was all of the girls, Claire, Margo, Gabby, and Emily. I walked over to Gabby and basically fell into her open arms. I felt the tears from stress begin to overflow. I began sobbing uncontrollably into her shoulder. I feel the other girls surround me and give me a big group hug. I didn't realize I needed this. We all stood in the middle of the restroom until I was able to gain control of my breathing. The whole time reassurances for mine and everyone else's safety were being poured out. They all stepped away from me as I walked to the sink.

I splashed water onto my face. I looked into the mirror to see that my make up had been smudged. I looked like a raccoon which made me laugh. The girls behind me chuckled at my make up as well. They helped me wipe it all away. It made me feel much better about life already. Being able to see my true self without any filter relaxed me. Claire placed her jacket that she had across my shoulder and Margo laid her arm across my shoulder. They guided me out of the restroom. As we exited, I saw Gaege pacing impatiently. I smiled and approached him.

He notices me and takes large steps towards me. His arms wrap around me and rock us slowly side to side. He places kisses along my hair line. I rest my head against his shoulder and wrap my arms around in reciprocation. After rocking for a bit we separated, I looked around at everyone else who looked worried. It honestly made me feel guilty that the first thing everyone experienced when landing was me in a panicked state. Especially those of the group from Australia, having flow for almost 24 hours.

"I'm sorry everyone. It's just some personal problems that have reappeared recently." It's apparent that the group does not believe that it is as simple as that. I don't go into detail though. I simply push past it, knowing that I'll have to explain later. I begin leading the group to the two vehicles so we can get going. As Gaege and I begin to separate he squeezes my hand one more time,

"If you need a break from driving at any point, just call me and we'll take a break, okay?" He smiles at me and wraps me up in a hug. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his chest.

"I will let you know, love." I pulled away from him and walked to the van. I unlock it and begin helping everyone place their luggage in. I try to brighten my mood by reminding myself that it's going to be a fun week. Once all the luggage is in, I jump in the driver's seat. Eddie, Gabby, Josh, and Margo hop in the van with me. Gabby grabs the passenger seat and reaches for the radio. She plugs her phone into the aux port and starts blasting some tunes. It automatically helps brighten the mood.

By the time we are on the highway, I'm practically screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs. The whole vibe of the car picks up and we basically forget about the underlying sadness that was here before. I get Eddie to call Gaege for me.

"Hey Eddie, what's up?" I hear his voice through the phone. I smile as Eddie places the phone near me.

"Where does everyone want to eat?" I speak. I hear deliberation occur on the other side of the phone and on my side. I wait until Gaege gives me the vote from their side and Eddie gives the overall consensus on this side. Everyone seems to want Chinese food.

"How about we head to Hong Kong Palace Asian Restaurant? I don't go there often, but it's pretty good as I recall. I'll put in the directions just follow me, okay babe?" He agrees on the other side of the phone, and after talking for a little bit longer, Eddie hangs up. I feel much more relaxed than earlier and finally feel the creeping of anxiety leave my system. I can feel a craving for Sesame Chicken come over me as I drive. I can feel the excitement that I held from days before course through my veins.

The rest of the drive there is wonderful and full of laughs and good times. I feel Gabby place her hand on mine in the middle and give it a reassuring squeeze. She reaches forward and turns down the radio.

"Hey girl, so I know that right now might not be the best time, but at some point, you have to let us know what's going on. Like I said it doesn't have to be now." I sigh and give out a nod, letting her know that I will.

"I will guys, I just don't want to go into it right now. Especially while driving. Just know it's a crazy ex problem." I give a half-smile and reach to turn the radio back up. Once again the drive falls into a peaceful environment.

Hey everyone, I'm backkk. I'd like to thank you all for your patience and understanding and am happy to report that I made the president's list. We could be back to our regularly scheduled content for now. Thank you all, and can't wait to see you Friday <3

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