Ch. 16: Agony

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The room was silent as student and mentor stared at the burning remains of the healing hat.

The one thing, the ONLY thing, that could've cured Eda and given her a new chance at a "normal" life was gone.

And it was all HER fault.

"Now both of you, put you-"

"Eda?" Luz asked, interrupting Lilith.

"Yes?" Eda asked her student.

"Can I kill Lilith?" Luz asked, her veins slowly building from anger.

"I don't think I could possibly stop you." Eda said.

Before Lilith could say anything, she was tackled through the wall and thrown into a tree. Luz's eyes were glowing red and she... was... PISSED.

'All of our hardworking to save Eda, FUCKING DOWN THE DRAIN!' Devil side shouted in anger, burning with flames and rage.

'And it's her own sister! It's like Lilith cares more about being right than saving Eda!' Angel side said, absolutely outrage by this audacity! 'I never thought I'd say this, but Luz, KILL THIS FUCKING BITCH AND DEFILE HER CORPSE!'

'Trust me... she's going to WISH I did that.' Luz thought, holding up her iconic red fireball.

"You like to play with fire huh?" Luz asked, "Well you know what they say about that!"

Luz threw fireball after fireball at Lilith, wishing more than anything that one of them will reduce her into nothing but a pile of ash. Lilith herself was moving with lightning magic, dodging each fireball as she saw each tree burn into ashes!

'She's more dangerous than I thought!' She thought.

Lilith thought her magic would make her fast enough... she was wrong as Luz grabbed her by the neck. Luz tightened her grip enough that Lilith was starting to match her hair. Luz raised her other arm and delivered a strong punch to Lilith's chest, shattering the gem on her dress, and sending her through a few trees. Lilith swore her ribs were now dust... until Luz literally DROPPED a tree on her... now her ribs were dust.

"You had better of died from that, because if not, I am about to rain hell on you!" Luz said.

Lilith used some construction magic and pushed the tree off herself. Luz charged at her, holding two pentagrams in her hands. She threw one at Lilith, who dodged it, but was unable to block the second one, which blew up and knocked her back into the second one that was stuck to the ground behind her, blowing up again. Luz ran at Lilith and grabbed her, lifted her in a powerbomb position, and slammed her through a large rock.

"You're going to pay for what you did!" Luz said, grabbing Lilith's hair and punching her in the side of the head.

Coughing up blood, Lilith powered through the pain as she quickly blasted Luz back with lightning and began healing herself as fast as she could.

"I...I must endure." Lilith said, spitting up blood and a few teeth. "I-I cannot fail when I'm so close!"

"SO CLOSE TO DEATH!" Luz shouted as she summons her book and pulls out two weapons!

Two large battle axes... she wasn't going to make this quick. Luz slashed at Lilith, who quickly jumped, as flying air slashes destroyed multiple trees in front of her!

'With just one slash?!' Lilith thought as Luz looked up at her!

"I'll carve your bony ass into little cubes!" Luz shouted, slashing more at Lilith.

Acting quickly, Lilith spun and create a tornado to block all of the attacks. That might've distracted Luz for a bit, but Lilith had another problem.

"Now to deal with-"

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