Ch. 4: Amity's Vengeance

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Class ended and Willow began to roll Luz out, but not before the teacher stopped her.

"Ms. Park, wait! Such a project as yours deserves the proper recognition! As of this day, I decree you the top student!" The teacher said to her.

"What?!" Willow asked in surprise.

"What?!" Amity shouted in shock, dropping her books as she left.

The teacher took the top student badge off Amity and put it onto Willow's uniform.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." Willow said, smiling at the badge.

"Just keep up the good work, Ms. Park." The teacher said before taking his leave.

Willow turned around and came face to face with a seething Amity. She was growling so much that it would make Luz look mortal.

'Oh, yeah, she's even hotter than before.' Luz thought.

"Spill it, I know your work and that is not your usual work. How did you make your abomination like that?" Amity asked, demanding answers from Willow.

"Oh! Well, you see I just.....strayed from the original recipe a TINY bit" Willow said, pinching her fingers close.

Amity grabbed Willow by the cowl and pushed her against the lockers.

"What did you do!?" Amity demanded.

Luz reached out of the pot and grabbed Amity. She threw her across the hall, and pulled her arm in before Amity could see her.

"UGH!" Amity let out, crashing against the lockers and sliding to the floor.

'Yeah, stay away.' Luz thought.

Willow on the other hand was panicking a bit, quickly grabbing the wheelbarrow and rushing away with Luz before Amity could recover.

'Titan, I knew this was a bad idea!' Willow though, despite getting a good grade.

'Woo! I've never felt more undead!' Luz thought.

Willow spent the next few periods avoid Amity, barely making it to lunch with Gus while still on the look out for Amity.

"So, can I ask her a couple thousand questions now?" Gus asked.

'Not a thousand but go on.' Luz thought, telepathically communicating with Gus.

That mere fact made him like this even more.

"Can you tell me what humans are like?" Gus asked.

'Their general description or their hidden dark side?' Luz thought to him.

"Maybe both?" Gus asked her.

'Well, humans are a very... interesting species. While other creatures go by instincts, humans are different, no one is like the other.'

"They don't go on instinct, interest." Gus said, pulling out a notebook to write this down.

'As a while, humanity has made mistakes and miracles. Some cause the other and some lead to the other, it's a mixed bag of both the good and the bad humanity can cause.' Luz thought, 'It's very interesting really. Something my Grandfather couldn't even see coming.'

"Really? Humankind is so interesting." Gus said, wiring it down. "What about human inventions?"

'Weapons or domestic?' Luz asked him.

"Domestic." Willow quickly said.

'Well, there's this thing called a car.'

"A car? What is a car?" Willow asked.

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