Ch. 15: The Emperor's Castle

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Luz let out a sigh as she walked down stairs a couple days later. Today was the day of the emperor's castle and thankfully, Amity wouldn't be there. Her conversation with her dad didn't really help, but it also didn't really hurt.

Maybe she would be ready to talk to her about these...feelings later. But for now, Luz would just focus on the school field trip and what to expect from it.

"Need something to pick you up?" Eda asked, drinking some tea and seeing Luz's expression.

"Depends on what you're offering." Luz said before asking. "Why are you wearing a scarf inside?"

"I'm just a little chill this morning. It's why I'm drinking hot tea." Eda said, wearing a yellow scarf around her neck.

Luz gave her a look.

"Do I look stupid?" Luz asked.

"Do you want an honest answer?" Eda asked with a grin.

"I can see your soul, Eda. Meaning I can see the curse has been growing inside you." Luz said blankly, "Take the scarf off."

'Damnit, kid.' Eda thought while sighing a bit, putting her cup of tea aside before she took off the scarf.

Her chest gem was now in full view and Luz could see its once amber color was now a mix of amber and black, with the black nearly eclipsing the amber.

"I fucking knew it." Luz said.

"yeah yeah, you fucking knew it. My curse is getting worse and my elixirs are becoming less effective." Eda said, looking at her gem. "I gotta limit using my magic or else I could become the owl beast 24/7."

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Luz said, "I could've found something in my book!"

"Sorry kid, but there's no telling what you could do to me with that thing." Eda said, "What if it fucks me up even worse?"

Luz took out the book and flipped through a couple pages. She held up a hand and it glowed black. Eda disappeared in a cloud of smoke and reappeared as a giant Lego version of herself.

"...Okay, that was unexpected." Luz said.

"What the hell did you do to me?! I feel so boxy yet bloated!" Eda said, looking over herself.

"Uh... okay you may have a point." Luz said, "I'm still learning spells okay?"

"Well can you undo this? I don't even have fingers anymore! Just these weird clamp hands." Eda said, holding up her "hands" and clenching them. "I feel like a crab, kid."

"Yeah... totally." Luz said, flipping through her book.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' Luz thought.

Luz kept flipping, before slamming her book shut and growling.

"FUCK! Can't find anything!" Luz shouted.

"You mean I'm stuck like this?! This better be temporary or so help me-" Eda stopped talking as blocky feathers grew out of her body. "Oh shit."

Luz couldn't help but take out her phone and take a picture.

"I hate you so much right now." Eda said before becoming full Owl Beast, made out of individual Legos.

Luz looked at this problem for half a second... before quickly breaking apart the lego lady and making her into a Lego castle.

"Tada! That should work until I find an elixir." Luz said, "Okay, Eda the Castle Lady, I'll be right back to give you your medicine... somehow."

'Hopefully that doesn't cause issues when she returns to normal.' Luz thought.

Searching Eda's room and closet, Luz found an entire 20 potion case of anti curse elixirs.

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