Ch. 6: One Sided Battle

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A few days Later, Eda, King, and Luz were at the Market, Luz was reading her Azura book... much to Eda Chagrin.

"Why does the literal princess of hell, like something so flowery and gross?" Eda asked.

"Because everyone needs a little light in their life and this is mine." Luz said without shame, "Besides, my dad got it for me."

"Wow, your dad just lost his coolness in my opinion." Eda said.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Luz said, not looking up from her book, "He's butchered people for less."

"Seriously?" Eda asked.

"Seriously but just don't insult my mom. That is enough to make dad want to go to war." Luz said.

"Hey, Eda, is there something going on today?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"Because there isn't a fucking person near us." Luz said, closing her book and putting it in her bag, "Something is going on."

just then, two voices spoke up.

"Luz!" Willow and Gus said, walking up to the stand.

"Friends!" Luz said, jumping over the stand, "What's up?"

"You're not going to believe what's going on today." Gus said as Willow showed Luz a poster.

"What's this?" Luz asked before reading it. "The "Covention?" I think this poster has a typo in it, it should say convention."

"No, it's spelled right. Today is the yearly Covention." Willow said.

"Okay, explain." Luz said.

"The Covention is an annual gathering where witches get to see all types of covens before they get placed into one. Not just the main nine covens but hundreds." Gus said in excitement.

"So basically a magic job fair?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, do you have those in Hell?" Willow asked.

"Uh, I don't know, I already have a job, when I turn 18, I take over hell." Luz said.

"So you're basically set for life. No need to check out that dorkfest." Eda said, finding another thing to like about Luz. "You don't need to learn about a crooked system that strips you of your magical freedom."

"Oh, now I'm interested." Luz said, "Eda, I want to see how this government is compared to the 'Monarchy' my mom and dad have."

"And the quotation marks around Monarch?" Eda asked.

"More of a dictatorship, but whatever, some of my greatest babysitters were dictators." Luz said.

"Seriously? How many dictators does humanity have?" Eda asked.

"Hahahahahaha! The real question is when will humanity stop making dictators?" Luz asked with a chuckle. "Either way, I want to check out the Covention to see exactly what level this dictatorship is."

"Luz, we don't live in a dictatorship." Willow said.

"Willow, I'm the princess of a dictatorship, I've met the worst dictators in the world, I've been at dinner, with said dictators at my dad's castle, trust me, you're under a dictatorship." Luz said.

"Yep. She gets it but I still don't want you going to the Covention. Devil girl or not." Eda said, crossing her arms.

Luz turned to Eda, slowly smiling nefariously as she glanced at King.

"King, read Azura. LOUDLY." Luz said to him.

"What?" Eda asked, before King started reading.

"You shall not shan't doeth no more harm," Azura callethed out. Hecate could only screech, screech as did she, for the screeching did worseneth." King read.

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