Route 5 - Part 6

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Nicole was disappointed, but glad (not really) that she didn't die that night. Which surprise her as she was sure that the noodle Yami cooked, which was probably the best noodle she ever ate (seriously where was this food all her life?), would be her last food, and she was half sure it was poisoned. Because no food could taste that good without either being lase with poisoned, or someone's last meal on earth.

She woke up to an empty house. Right after they finished dinner, Yami had to leave because he had a night shift at some place that she didn't bother remembering.

He left her breakfast, and she just spend the day reading.

No, you didn't misread it, she was actually reading a book. Not a magazine, not some comic book, but a softcover book.

Why would Nicole read a book? She was never the kind of person who would sit down, have a cup of hot chocolate and read a good story.

Well, since she's stuck underground for who knows how long Yami would be back, she needs something to keep her mind from spiraling into the abyss. And the knowledge that your basically inside of a house size coffin, that could become your tomb if the earth decide that it wanted an earthquake to happen, was not good for the mind. Even when Yami told her she could lift the trapdoor without issue, she was still adamant that she can't lift it without having her wrist, or entire arm getting broken. So, he left the door wide open, so she wasn't completely trap, but she didn't feel like going outside.

The town was a half-hour away from the bunker, by car, and Yami didn't have any car. She tried calling Jecka, but she remembered there was no signal underground, there was signal above ground, but it was weak. This place was the perfect place to kill someone.

And Yami wasn't lying when he said he knew every serial killer, old and new. He has books documenting about them in his room, along with a bucket filled with Legos. And weirdly, a small mural with pictures of pixelated animals on them, weird. And yeah, there was indeed a serial baby killer during medieval England and a baby factory. And other documentary books about other killers. She was very much convinced that Yami is a wannabe serial killer, there was just no way someone could have this much book about serial killers without wanting to be one someday.

Speaking of Yami, he was very quiet. She was mostly the one doing the talking, while he just gives short reply and comments. She tried asking about his scars, which he was defensive about, giving vague responses, changing the subject, or just ignore her completely. Which made her more curious, because when he was changing bandages, she was sure she saw bullet wounds. What's his secret? What was he hiding?

And there was just thing about him that Nicole couldn't quite figure out. And that blank face of his didn't help either, nothing could get him to finch. It was clear he was guarded and cautious around people. She felt like he was always assessing her like a possible threat. Which was new for Nicole because she was so use to boys looking at her like a piece of meat.

Despite that, he was a good host, and somewhat a decent human to be around, second to Emily.

Currently, she was laying on one of the bunk beds in the living room, reading a book Yami recommend to her, Crime and Punishments. So far, the book was interesting. The story was about this guy who is trying to justify his action about killing an old lady for money for his schooling.

Well not justify, but more like trying to convince himself that what he was doing was for the benefit of society. Which she found herself agreeing to. The shop lady was a few months away from dying anyway, why not get it over with and do everyone a favor?

She couldn't help but immerse herself in the book. She found the bleak, pessimistic, and cynical tone of the book so compelling. And she found herself relating to the story. How a person could be shape by the very environment they grew up in, or in her case, the lack thereof.

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