Route 5 - Part 4

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When I awoke, I was confused at first as to why I was in an unfamiliar room when the memories of yesterday came flooding back to me. I got out of bed and check to see what time it was. It was currently 5 in the morning.

I wonder if I had left any food or other supplies in this place since the last time I was here.

I found this place purely by accident when I was walking around to familiarized myself with the area. I just saw a weird looking root one day and wanted to see which tree it connected to, so I uprooted it. And long story short, I cleaned up the place a bit and crashed in for the night before leaving.

I feel like I just wasted my energy terraforming the inside of the well when there's already a premade bunker waiting to be found. But now I'm kinda glad I went with that route, so that in case Jecka or Nicole ever decide to tell anyone about this place, my main house would be left undisturbed. And besides, it would be a hassle walking to school and I didn't have anything important here anyways.

I walked out of the room, which used to be an office that I remade to a bedroom, into the main hall, where I saw Jecka and Nicole sleeping on one of the double decks.

I pay them no mind and went to where the kitchen is to make breakfast. Once there I went into the pantry, which was a large room with shelves filled with canned foods and other items that was way pass their expiration date.

 Once there I went into the pantry, which was a large room with shelves filled with canned foods and other items that was way pass their expiration date

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(Just imagined the place is dimly lit, the cans and other items in here are rotting and other stuff)

I went to a specific shelf where I place the foods when I last visited. Thankfully they were still there, sadly, all that was left were some seasonings, vinegar, and soy sauce. Welp, these won't be enough to feed 3 people, or at all.

I went out of the room and back to the main hall, the girls still asleep, and quietly made my way to the small armory and grab a bow and arrows then made my way to the exit. I open the hatch and started searching for anything I could make into a meal.

After a couple of minutes of searching, I found 2 rabbits doing the dirty out in the open and decided they would be breakfast. I placed myself in a better position and aimed my bow, and shoot, the arrow pierced both rabbit in an instant.

I made my way there and picked them up and skinned them before making my way back to the bunker.

Yami: "Next time, I recommend doing it anywhere but in the open." I said to the dead, skinless rabbits in my hand.

Why am I talking to dead animals?

I made it back to the bunker and place the weapons back to the armory and finally start making breakfast. I decided to cook a traditional Philippine adobo with the rabbits for meat.

???: "What're you cooking? Smells nice."

I turn and saw Jecka near the kitchen counter, looking like she just woke up a minute ago. I looked at the wall clock and saw it was almost 6 in the morning.

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