̶̳̇Ṟ̴͛oute 2 - P̸̙̑̆ͅart 2

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Two days had passed, and things were fairly normal, or as normal as they could be in a place like this.

Is it sad I get along with girls better than with guys?

I mean, sure, there were some decent guys here, like Hunter. Hunter was a bit of an airhead but an overall nice guy, though he did have a few screws loose.

That or perhaps Yami, or the fabricated Yami, had trouble connecting with individuals of the same gender as himself. A glimpse from my past showed me a moment in the circus where I observed young Yami interacting with an unfamiliar woman. They appeared to be happy, but when a man, who seemed to be the circus ringleader, approached, Yami's demeanor changed. Perhaps 'I' too harbor a certain distrustfulness of men, to some extent.

The more I uncover about this alternate version of myself, the more lost I feel. I don't recognize this counterfeit Yami, yet these fleeting images bombard me as if I'm supposed to decipher their significance, yet no coherent information surfaces.

Lunchtime had arrived, and I found myself in the courtyard, idly wandering around. Nicole and Jecka weren't in our usual spot in the cafeteria, so I decided to go look for them. My instincts guided me to the bench area, where I heard a familiar voice.

Nicole: "—some slut in over her head," she muttered, hint of annoyance to Jecka.

Jecka: "Even in death, you're manipulative." She retorted.

Nicole: "Sorry if I don't want my legacy to be freaks jacking off to pictures of me," she snapped back.

I approached them, my footsteps deliberately quiet.

Yami: "What's going on?" I interjected, making my presence known.

Both girls jumped at my sudden appearance, shooting me irritated glares.

Nicole: "Can you stop doing that?!" she exclaimed.

Yami: "Never," I replied, if I could smirk I would.

Jecka: "For fuck's sake, I'm going to have a heart attack from this!" she exclaimed, clutching her chest.

Yami: "So, what's the problem?"

Nicole: "Why do you want to know?" she challenged.

Yami: "Curiosity," I replied simply.

Jecka: "Jeffery took a picture of her in her underwear and plans to spread it all over campus," she explained in a tone like she's just telling me the current whether.

Yami: "How did he even do that?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Nicole: "The girl's locker room doesn't have a lock," she replied bitterly.

Yami: "And you didn't tell the principal, why?" I pressed further.

Nicole: "Because it's fucking embarrassing, that's why, and she would probably find a way to make it my fault," she retorted.

Yami: "Hmm... What kind of camera did he use?" I probed.

Nicole: "Huh? Those medium format films or something, why?" she replied, puzzled.

Jecka: "Like it needs to be developed?" she chimed in.

Nicole: "Yeah?" she confirmed, confusion evident in her voice.

Yami: "And tomorrow is Friday, right?" I continued.

Nicole: "Yeah?" she confirmed again, sounding unsure.

Yami: "The you don't have to worry about the photo then," I assured her.

Nicole: "What? My ass is literally on the line here!" she protested.

Outsider (Male oc x Class of 09)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя