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Journal Entry - September 10, 19XX

The Star-city Circus was more than just a place of performances and spectacles—it was my home, my sanctuary amidst a world that often felt cold and indifferent. My name is [REDACTED], and I write these words with a heavy heart, reminiscing about the days when the circus was a haven of warmth and belonging.

Under Hulbert Francis's charismatic leadership, we were more than just a ragtag group of performers and misfits; we were a family bound by shared dreams and shared pain. Hulbert's vision of a world untamed by societal constraints resonated deeply within me, offering a glimpse of freedom and acceptance that I had longed for.

I found solace in the camaraderie of my fellow circus members, each one a unique soul with a story to tell. Together, we laughed, we cried, and we created moments of magic that transcended the boundaries of our mundane existence. The animals were not just performers; they were companions, their loyalty a testament to the bonds we forged within our makeshift family.

But all dreams eventually give way to nightmares, and ours came crashing down the day we caught Ruby, beloved Ruby, entwined in an affair that shattered the fragile harmony of our circus. Hulbert's wrath was swift and merciless, his once-charming demeanor replaced by a cruel streak that left us all trembling in fear.

I watched as Hulbert's madness consumed him, fueled by betrayal and disillusionment. I couldn't help but blame Ruby and the society that drove Hulbert to the brink of insanity. They could never understand the bond we shared, the dreams we dared to dream in the face of adversity.

The circus that was once my home became a place of fear and resentment. Hulbert's cruelty knew no bounds, and I found myself questioning everything I once believed in. Yet, amidst the chaos and despair, there were moments of fleeting beauty, reminders of the family we once were.

As I write these words, I grapple with conflicting emotions—love for the memories we shared and bitterness for the nightmares that followed. I pray for peace, not just for myself but for all who were touched by the madness of the Star-city Circus.

Signed, [REDACTED]


Journal Entry - July 20, 20XX

My name is [REDACTED], and I was a witness to the horrors that unfolded under the guise of Star-city Circus.

Working at the circus was like walking on a tightrope between life and death, with Hulbert Francis and Michael as the puppeteers pulling the strings of our fate. Hulbert's charismatic facade hid a darkness that chilled me to the bone, while Michael's silent demeanor masked a cruelty that knew no bounds.

The girls, oh, the girls who suffered under their hands. I still hear their cries echoing in the recesses of my mind, a haunting melody of pain and despair. They were mere pawns in a twisted game of power and dominance, their innocence sacrificed on the altar of Hulbert's desires.

But it wasn't just the human victims who bore the brunt of our torment. The animals, too, were prisoners in our twisted circus. Night after night, we would scramble to secure their cages, knowing that a single slip could unleash a nightmare of blood and carnage.

I remember the terror that gripped us when the animals escaped, their primal instincts unleashed in a frenzy of fear and confusion. The casualties among our members were a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked within our midst.

And then there were the pills, the tiny capsules of false salvation that Hulbert forced upon us. They promised energy and endurance, but they delivered only numbness and exhaustion. We danced and performed under the influence of those pills, our bodies moving in mechanical rhythm while our souls withered away.

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