Route 5 - Part 2

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My first day of school, again, went as it did the first time. Only this time, I didn't release any bloodlust and just stared at the class blankly, unimpressed by their unoriginal quips and insults. In return, they just gave me confused and astonished looks, and called me a weirdo for it.

A week had already passed, and... Well, it's mundane, and I kinda miss having to deliver notes and lunch food to Jecka.

Speaking of Jecka, I didn't interact with her as much as I used to. She was still the same, but it seems Nicole influenced her a bit. The only time I talked to her was when I needed to find a job, and her mom knows some people who could help me.

I was currently in one of the classrooms, in Art class with Mr. Lorre, and they were having a verbal exchange.

I watched as they argued back and forth, entertained by Nicole's witty comebacks and sass toward Mr. Lorre.

Kylar: "Hey, I like The Office," he said, offended by what Nicole had said.

Silence followed before Jecka changed the subject by asking the teacher why we have art in our last year of high school. The conversation eventually circled back to the two girls and the teacher having a verbal exchange that ended with the girls reluctantly agreeing to do the arts, with Nicole becoming Mr. Lorre's assistant.

After class ended, we all got up for our next class.

I entered another classroom where I saw Megan taking attendance.

Megan: "Just making sure we do it right. Yami?"

Yami: "Here," I raised my hand, "Where's Mrs. Teagan?" I said, looking around.

Megan: "She's currently off working on a professional stage production and put me in charge as the student-teacher," she said with pride.

I found it hard to believe that Miss Teagan would be involved in a professional production.

Unless it was a porno, I thought, remembering when I accidentally stumbled upon her alone in class. It was the first time I ever had to drink alcohol to sleep.

Megan continued taking attendance while I took my seat next to Hunter. He and I chatted a bit, mostly him venting about how his relationship with Megan felt one-sided, while I offered short comments and some advice.

Just like in the previous timeline, Hunter was one of the few people who tried befriending me. Instead of ignoring and dismissing him, I tried my best to keep a conversation with him. He helped me get another job, which was doing errands for the church he goes to.

After double-checking that everyone was accounted for and making sure to berate those who were absent, Megan walked in front of the class.

Megan: "So, today we'll break up into two separate groups. One will do a table read exercise, and the other will improvise acting. So, who wants to do what?" She received a cacophony of groans from her peers.

Emily: "I don't wanna do anything. The teacher isn't even here; can't we just hang out?" she suggested.

Megan: "Why would you sign up for drama if you don't even care about acting?"

Emily: "It's a fuck-around class. Like we're gonna be actors one day. You're not even pretty enough to be in movies. I don't get why you wanna act."

Megan: "Acting isn't about looks; it's about talent and creativity!" she said, offended.

But you can't deny it would be very useful for future careers.

Emily: "When's the last time you saw an ugly girl star in a movie?"

Outsider (Male oc x Class of 09)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum