Before canon - Part 1

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Another semester dragging its feet to an end, graduation looming on the horizon like an elusive prize. God, you can practically smell the freedom of summer vacation in the air. Graduation loomed ahead like a tantalizing mirage, teasing the students with the prospect of freedom. The school bell screeched its shrill announcement, signaling yet another mind-numbing class. The throng of students surged towards their respective classrooms, a mix of excitement and boredom etched on their faces, some hurrying to their classrooms while others dragged their feet, already planning their escape routes for the day, skipping.

Among the crowd of student making their way to their class is a blond girl. With a heavy sigh, she pushed open the door to her next prison cell, also known as the classroom. The air inside was thick with the scent of boredom and anticipation, a palpable energy pulsating through the crowded space. Rows of desks filled with restless bodies, each one a prisoner of the education system, yearning for the sweet release of summer vacation.

She slouched her way near the back of the room, her eyes scanning the sea of familiar faces. The buzz of conversation washed over her, gossip flowed like a river, mingling with whispers of rumors and murmurs of the latest scandals. She exchanged half-hearted greetings with a few classmates, their voices blending together in a blur of meaningless noise. Some of the braver souls dared to sneak peeks at explicit content on their phones, a smirk playing on their lips as they pushed the boundaries of decency. She found her usual spot near the back.

Minutes stretched into eternity as they waited for the teacher to arrive, each passing second feeling like an eternity. The room buzzed with anticipation the promise of freedom tantalizingly close yet agonizingly out of reach. She glanced around, taking in the scene before her with a mixture of amusement and resignation. Another day, another classroom, another endless cycle of boredom and drama.

With the teacher nowhere in sight, she sauntered over to a group of faces that seemed somewhat bearable. Small talk buzzed around her, a cacophony of meaningless chatter filling the air.

Finally, the teacher shuffled in, a tired look plastered across his face. Some of the chatter died down, while others needed a firm hand to bring them back to reality. The blond girl plopped back into her seat, the dull ache of boredom settling in as the teacher began the roll call.

Teacher: "Jessica?" he called out, his gaze lingering on her for a moment too long, his eyes betraying a hint of appreciation for her figure.

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Jecka: "It's Jecka," she muttered under her breath, her irritation simmering just below the surface as she reluctantly raised her hand.

The teacher nodded absentmindedly, barely registering my correction as he moved on to the next name on his list.

Teacher: "Okay, and... Yami?" His voice echoed through the room.

Suddenly, the room fell silent. The buzz of conversation died down, replaced by a tense hush as everyone turned to scan the classroom. It was as if a switch had been flipped, the atmosphere shifting from casual indifference to palpable curiosity in an instant.

Oh, him. The so-called "Ghost boy" slipped the blond's head completely. She remembered the buzz that circulated when they heard that they will have a new student. Girls whispered about him, already preemptively labeling him as just another pig who only wanted one thing. And the guys? Well, they sized him up, seeing him as either competition, a target for bullying, or a potential new buddy.

When the new kid finally strolled into the school, reactions varied. Some couldn't be bothered, others were underwhelmed, and a few just didn't give a damn. And there he stood, this emo-looking boy with ash-colored hair and those piercing red eyes, staring out at them with a neutral expression. But it wasn't his appearance that grabbed everyone's attention—it was the myriad of scars crisscrossing his arms, barely concealed by the bandages wrapped around them, and the one encircling his neck. I'm Yami Enigma, I'm a new student. Nice to meet you, he introduced in a monotone voice.

Outsider (Male oc x Class of 09)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat