Chapter Fourteen: Sensual Omegas and Second-Chance Mates

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Later that evening, at the Gold Fin main coven house...

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Marithe snapped out of his attention as he soon faced Lachlan after the two of them shared a late-night passion session with their Alpha mates that came from an evening-long swim with their pack members. "Sorry," he muttered to himself. "A lot has been happening since this morning."

Lachlan nodded as a sleeping Chace's arms were still wrapped around his slender waist. "Yeah, today's been rather eventful for us both, but it's more so for you since you kind of made a fool out of everyone and yourself."

"What?" Marithe said, voice laced with frustration.

"You heard me."

Marithe sighed, not wanting to get into an argument. "I was simply speaking my mind and letting all the emotions get to me," he said plainly. "When I rejected Therry when the two of us were Alphas years ago, I was thinking about the safety of our former packs and the livelihood of the supernatural. The Gruesome Threesome meant every word with their threat to kill my late parents if I didn't break the bond."

"And look what happened after that," Marithe rebutted. "You bullied me into rejecting Thierry and we both lost our packs alongside the respect of every other Alpha who would've killed to be in our shoes for mating with the LAST moon wolf known to all. Now, Thierry has Lyle as his second-chance mate and we have ours with Chace and Chance. Amalia and Druscilla wouldn't have had us take the opportunity if they thought that we weren't worthy enough."

Marithe sighed heavily, knowing that Lachlan was right. "But wouldn't it have been better if we had never met Thierry in the first place? Spare him of knowing of the supernatural at all while making arrangements to send him away somewhere else."

"No, Marithe," Lachlan replied tersely, letting his eyes glow bright in power. "If I know Amalia better, I can bet my bottom dollar that Thierry would've known his true lineage one way or another, even if he was sent to the worst military school in the world where he would've been beaten and bullied to the brink of death. Everything has its seasons and the supernatural gods know and see all, especially when it comes to Druscilla."

He speaks the truth, Marithe, came the voice of the Moon Goddess that emanated in Marithe's head. Even if My child hadn't arrived at Sammons Falls Academy and was sent to Cameron's alma mater; Thierry would've still known the truth. It was by my hand that everything that happened came to be for him to be who he is destined to become. As for your and Lachlan's roles, you made the choices that led you two to where you are. All you can do now is make the most of everything and be willing to follow through with My destined plan for you.

Lachlan wriggled out of Chace's grip before coming over to Marithe's side, climbing on top of the other Omega with their slightly erected members grinding against one another with their nudity on full display. "Lachlan, what are you-" Marithe asked, feeling a bit uneasy.

"I've been wanting to have a taste of you, Marithe," he said, letting his voice change with a bit of vibrato and melody. "And my merman half Arias wants to get to know you a little better."

Marithe's eyes went wide, remembering that he was not only bonded to the twins but also to Lachlan. "Bro, I think that-"

"The time for thinking is over and done," Lachlan cut him off as he took Marithe's legs and placed them on his shoulders before sheathing himself. "And it's safe to say that you need to remember that you and I are bound for some more...erotic bliss."

"There's an idea," came the teasing voice of Chance as he and his twin were fully awake. "Look, brother. Our Omegas want to put on a little sensual show for us."

Chace chuckled as he and his twin made for their Omegas to start their sexual performance. "I guess our mates need a bit of a stress reliever to help them sleep through the night," he replied. To Lachlan, "I assume that you're going to be leading the performance?"

Before Lachlan could reply, there was a knock at the door. "Chance? Chace?" came the voice of Eric from outside.

"What is it, bro?" Chance said, annoyed at the interruption. "We're a bit busy as you can tell."

"Well, I'm going to make this quick, man. You see, I found my mate while I was coming in from patrolling the area. And you're not going to believe who he is."

"Who is it?"

A pause, then, "It's Mark Emerson, the Alpha Vampire from Charleston. He got rejected by Ceceillia this morning and...well, let's just say that I'm not as much as a Beta as I thought."

The Alpha twins and their mates looked at one another with surprise. "Well, Eric, I guess that means you'll have to be the submissive between you two," Chance said. "And as your Alpha, you're not to reject the mating bond."

"I'm not that stupid," Eric's voice replied an edge of exasperation in his tone. "Sorry, Alphas. But I'm just worried that-"

"You're going to be a great mate for Mark," Lachlan said, his voice fully changed to his Omega merman half. "Just use plenty of protection. Our mates and I aren't ready to see you with little Marks and Erics yet."

"Ah, jeez, Luna," Eric whined as the twins grinned. "Look, I'm supposed to meet with Mark in a moment. I just had to let you guys know what's up."

"All the best, bro," Chace replied. "Now if you'll excuse us, our Omegas are treating us to a special show and Marithe needs a little bedtime release."


Chance leered at a cowed and confused Marithe, who still had his legs around Lachlan's waist. "Eric gets the message of the mating bond," he replied smoothly. "And soon, you'll see why you and Lachlan are destined to be with my brother and me as well as each other."

"Damn right," Lachlan said as he positioned his cock at Marithe's hole. "I always wanted to know how it feels to be an Omega topping another Omega. Guess we'll find out."

Gentle readers, I can only tell you to use your imaginations for the rest of the evening as Marithe was soon swept away in yet another full night of unfiltered bliss with Lachlan dominating the night with his wicked body.

Oh, my! Looks like Eric Sulzbach the Beta merman and Mark Emerson the Alpha vampire are indeed mates! Bet y'all didn't see that one coming, did you? Anyway, you'll soon see how Mark and Eric get down with each other in due time since I have a special chapter for them that's coming up next! Stay tuned!

Dedication: HalstonCarter-Rose  and lupe6583v.


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