Chapter One: Disgraced Alphas Always Regret Bad Choices

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"You two never deserved to earn Lemieux's heart! He gave you all he had and then some before you turned your backs on him, all for the Gruesome Threesome who wished they could had some class like he does."

"Y'all had the Moon Goddess' kid at the palm of your hand and he was carrying your kids before y'all chose to break your hearts! That's cold even for me, and I killed three of my former mates. He had class, wit, and the looks despite his upbringing. His old hometown missed out on him and y'all shattered his heart!"

"How dies it feel to know that the one whom you rejected is now one of the most-respected and well-liked supernatural being in the world? And a Moon Wolf and the last kid of the Moon Goddess, no less! If I'd been in your shoes, I'd never let him go and make him the happiest Omega alive! I'd make sure that he'd take down those bratty female relatives and save my pack all in one go!"

Gentle reader, those were some of the innumerable comments made at Matthieux "Matt" Rosseaux-Yanez and Luciane Moranox- two disgraced Alphas who broke the heart of one Theirry Lemieux (the last Moon Wolf known to man and the son of Druscilla Fabatier, AKA the Moon Goddess)- that were drilled every single day since being sentenced to life for the murders of Tiana and Fianna Lemieux and Mi'Chelle Fabatier. And since their arrival at the Brownsville Federal Penitentiary for the Supernatural in Texas, none of the prisoners, guards, staff workers, or even the prison warden Robert Abramson (a Beta vampire) would never let either of the young men forget their crime of breaking Thierry's heart and robbing his unborn children.

And as both boys were sharing the same cell in solitary confinement as part of their punishment (they were moved to solitary on the anniversary of rejecting the mating bond), Luciane and Matt knew that they were in for a world of pain and regrets as a prisoner from outside read Thierry's successful memoir "Good Boys Never Lie," the same title that was spawned from his still-working weblog. "Fucking hell," Luciane groaned as the prisoner started reading the chapter of how Thierry met Matt for the first time. "Today's the fifth anniversary of us breaking Thierry's heart and I still can't get it out of my head for what I did."

"Yeah," Matt replied morosely as he sat up on the floor, wincing in pain from the beating earlier that morning for shooting off the mouth at a burly Beta kanima. "It's bad enough that we gotta deal with it almost every day for the rest of our lives, but today's going to get even worse with everyone ready to use us as punching bags and go off on us verbally."

"I'm still pissed off at you for going along with the plan to marry our late ex-fiances," Luciane commented, shooting Matt a glare. "The Gruesome Threesome gave us grief despite all we did to make them happy and never allowed us to do anything but plan for a wedding that never happened because our wolves wanted to eat them alive. I can still taste the stringy hair strands from Tiana."

Matt stifled the urge to barf upon remembering when he and Luciane lost themselves to their wolves and devoured all three young women two days before the rehearsal dinner. "Yeah, my wolf still never lets me forget it," he said. "But at least he ate well. Probably the last time we did that."

"Why did I agree to go along with your plan, Matt?" Luciane asked. "We could've worked something out with Arianna and her coven to protect our now-stillborn kids and got rid of the Gruesome Threesome while remaining mated to Thierry. But you had to think of your family first and the livelihood of a pack that's now run by your former Beta and his mate. And the girls still murdered your family!"

The steel door swung open to reveal the sneering faces of two male guards (both Alpha hellhounds) as they twirled their nightsticks in hand. "Look who's ready for a day's worth of beatings," one of them drawled, his eyes glowing gold and full of hatred. "Today's going to be extra special."

Both boys were picked up by their scruff of their necks and were soon hauled away for the first of what would be seven hours of beatings. "Fuckin' hell," Matt grunted.


For a good part of the day, Both boys were given the five-star treatment to commemorate their anniversary of their rotten choices as guards and prisoners alike let them have it of beating them while more and more prisoners read from Thierry's memoir and his other novels and novellas in between breaks.

"Those girls were nothing but ones while Thierry's a five-star moon wolf with the grace and poise of royalty. You had your chance of claiming your stake with him, but you blew it for the Gruesome Threesome!"

"You better pray that Amalia would be gracious enough to take you to the underworld early on, boys, because there's no chance in hell that we're letting up on you for the rest of your lives!"

"Pathetic Alpha runts, breaking that saintly boy's heart! Lemieux did things that your dead ex-lovers can't even imagine doing: preventing the COVID-19 outbreak, helped end useless wars, advocated for the loners and rejects, and even became a diplomat for the supernatural- all while in college! Not only that, he's a successful novelist with several bestsellers that are becoming movies and TV shows!"

Ah, yes, gentle readers. Thierry's books were also gaining credibility and celebrity status for the young man as his memoir was becoming a legendary book with his following novels were gaining status to become various movies and TV shows. Everyone who was everyone was rushing to the bookstores to get a copy to share. They became so successful around the whole world, even in various prisons across the nation and around the world. In fact, gentle reader, it was the prisoners- lifers, those serving shorter sentences, and even those who were set for execution- were various fans. Even the most-ruthless prisoner got a copy and made sure to read it once or twice a day. Even more so since they learned of what Matt and Luciane did, especially on the anniversary of Thierry being rejected.

And as Matt and Luciane were roughly tossed back in their confinement cell, they were still hearing news of Thierry's book sale (his latest novel was up for preordering in the commissary, which made everyone cheer loud, even those in solitary). "Tonight, men, is movie night for everyone, even for us here in solitary," one of the female guards intoned. "We're watching Garden of Dreams, based on Lemieux's thriller novel, that's directed by Shonda Rhimes and Tyler Perry, so make sure to be on good terms with hte guards if you want to be released early."

Matt saw the dark-skinned female CO (Beta werewolf) and frowned at them. "The warden said y'all are to have a private screening at a cordoned section here in solitary," she said. "After that, y'all are to stay the night here before you get released tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am," groaned Matt, gingerly rubbing his bruised ribs.

"Y'all both fucked up big-time with Lemieux," the CO said. "I could understand why you chose to break his heart, but y'all could've at least tried to fight for him. Too bad y'all blew it to save your skins for some Playboy-bunny rejects."

Matt and Luciane watched her slink away before the door slammed shut.

"This'll never end, will it?" Luciane asked mournfully. "This is going to go on until we're being toted off in body bags to be buried in unmarked graves."

Matt looked crestfallen, angry at himself for his choice and sad for breaking Thierry's heart. He knew the truth...but never listened.

I bet Matt and Luciane are, folks! And from where things stand right now, it's not going to get any easier as long as they're in jail! That'll soon change, dear friends!

But coming up next, we take a trip to Covington Springs, South Carolina where we'll meet the Alpha mermen twins known as Chace cand Chance Nguyen! Don't miss a single moment of what's to come!

Dedication: AliaBlue13 and Lyfeo_M_Jay. Song: "Praying" by Kesha.


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