The kid next door

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"Why?" Yale asked because he knows how Rylee's family is and I replied "Actually my parents are on their way to visit my grandma, her health is declining as of late... so dad asked if you could stay over for tonight if possible" I scratched my neck nervously because I know she won't be allowed to stayover and I am too scared to stay alone at night.

"Oh you poor thing, you can't even visit your grandma due to the tournament right" Ron sighed, I can see the sympathy in his eyes and then Rylee said "If your mom asks one of my parents then maybe I'll get permission" and shrugged.

"Yeah mom can do that" I said and immediately called mom and explained what's going on and she agreed to call Rylee's mom so I hung up the call.

"We have that tournament the day after tomorrow right? Will you be alright Len" Yale asked, he looked concerned so was Zion and I made an awkward smile at them and started walking again.

After 5 minutes or so Rylee got a call from her mom, she got permission!

I felt relieved that I won't be alone tonight. We parted our ways with Yale and Ron in the intersection but oddly enough Zion was still with us. We talked about how crazy he must be to always ace his exams and how I majority of the time bomb them and we all started laughing.

After a 5 minutes we were one house away from my place when I heard Zion saying bye so I turned around to check. To my surprise, it was Zion's house, it was right next to mine?? I have a crush on my neighbour?? I stood there in shock when Rylee smacked my head saying she'll be back after getting changed and started running. I went inside my house as well, not being able to believe that Zion is the kid who lives next door.

I washed up quickly and heard the doorbell ring, it was Rylee. We went upstairs and started doing our homework without wasting time so that we can talk later on.

After an hour or so we finished our homework and laid in bed and I remembered about the kid next door being Zion so I asked Rylee, "were you already aware that Zion lives next to my house?" she faced towards me and said, "yes, I found out about a month ago" and started scrolling through her phone again.

"But that's when their family moved in right?" I asked again to confirm and she scoffed and said "Told you already, you are ignorant of your surrounding" and I couldn't really disagree with her so I just let out a sigh.

"Do you know what they say about Zion's parents?" I asked again hoping to be wrong but I wasn't.

"What? That they are super strict and force their son to study all day?" Rylee sat up folding her legs so did I, and said "And my mom was also saying that they don't let him go outside if it's not his academy?"

"He have a hard life" Rylee said with a sad expression and I started feeling down too when a notification popped up on my phone. It was from Zion asking if I wanted to play to which I agreed.

Rylee decided to play through her phone while I turned my PC on. We both logged into the game where Zion and Ron were already waiting for us, they invited us into the team and texts started popping in the chatbox.


King_ron: Yo! Look who it is~

R_ylee: hail to his highness!

Darlin: lol, where's Yale?

Martis: he's having dinner.

R_ylee: but we already ate?

King_ron: yeah he's a glutton.

Darlin: yeah we know lol XD

Martis: should we start or wait?

Darlin: let's have one match?

King_ron: yeah let's start.

R_ylee: lol let's goo~


We started playing the first match and 20 minutes into it I was actually playing well today. We were almost about to win when Yale came back texting us to play with him so we rushed the game and won anyway.

We invited Yale to the squad and started the game again. We were able to play together while supporting each other. After playing for half an hour or so my eyes started hurting so we stopped playing for the day and decided to meet at school the next day.

I shut my PC down and started making bed for us, before turning the lights off I looked outside the window and one of the lights of Zion's house was still on, so I wondered which room was his and felt bad again.

Both Rylee and I went to sleep while chatting about how fun it will be once summer vacation starts and planned some trips knowing damn well we won't be going in any of them. After talking for a while we both fell asleep.

The next day:
Rylee woke me up at 5AM don't know why. We went out for a short walk, is this how normal people live? I was too sleepy to realise I wore different shoes and just walked through the whole block looking like that. On our way back Rylee asked about my plans on cherry blossom festival aka the Sakura festival which reminded me of Zion and I smiled which creeped her out maybe because soon enough she landed a smack on my butt.

"What are you smiling about, weirdo!" she questioned. And I turned my face the other way and said "Zion asked me if I wanted to go to the festival with them and also told me to invite my friends"

Rylee's eyes widened and she shouted "Really? Zion asked you?" it made me blush so I answered shyly "Yes" and suddenly a familiar voice echoed in our ears.

"Zion asked you what?" we both turned around in shock and it was Ron in his Pikachu hoodie looking like an idiot. We both sighed at his face and he questioned again, "Zion asked you what?"

"He asked Len and our friends to join him and his friends at the Sakura festival, do you want to join, we can squeeze you in if you want" Rylee replied with a smirk.

"Oh please. I don't need to squeeze in with you, I will be in the spotlight anyway" said Ron and made a peace sign with his hands "I'll see you guys at school" he waved at us and continued his jog again.

We were almost home when I spotted Zion outside his house, maybe stretching after a jog. I am not even surprise, with his physic it would be weirder if he doesn't workout. But the view was breath-taking. He was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt which was soaked in sweat as well as sweat dripping from his face. His hair was wet which made him look hotter than most of the actors nowadays.

Is this what having a crush feels like? As we were approaching him, maybe he didn't notice us and went inside before we reached him. By the time we got home it was almost 6:15 AM. I can't believe this psycho made me walk for an hour straight.

We both quickly washed up, put our school uniforms on and made some toast for breakfast. We left the house around 6:50 AM. It was the earliest I have ever been to school. On our way, we entered the convenience store to buy some juice where we again 'coincidently' met Zion. He was again eating biscuits. We bought our drinks and he also took one and asked if he could join us so we all started walking to school together.

I started sipping my orange juice. It was totally silent, both of them were quite I don't know why so I felt shy to strike up a conversation and reached school without talking at all. I don't know what those two were thinking but for me, it felt like forever to reach school. After entering the school we said bye to Zion and went to the practice room.


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