Chapter 24: Fosang

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"Ah, Yang is my person, and she has already reached the age for marriage."

A woman who has reached the age for marriage is no longer a young unwed maiden. Although reaching the age for marriage doesn't necessarily mean she has been betrothed, it's similar enough, and at the very least, it implies that she has been tentatively promised in marriage.

"Your Highness, Lady Jin'an, I offer my respects," the crowd bowed to Chen Yingle as they recognized her.

Chen Yingle wore a plain red dress that seemed formal, yet light and convenient, with an air of dignity. On closer inspection, the dress appeared to bear some resemblance to the one Chaoyang was wearing, potentially made from the same fabric. The similarity was astonishing, and the onlookers concluded that the close relationship between this woman and the legitimate eldest princess extended to even matching attire.

However, it's known that women can be sensitive about their self-respect and can react negatively if their appearance or clothing is too similar to another woman's. In fact, such similarities can be the cause of contention and separation, especially for someone in Chen Yingle's position. Other women are cautious and circumspect when meeting her, ensuring they don't clash with the princess.

Actually, it wasn't just similar; it was the same design, and it might have even been made by the same person, with the same small details and even stitches.

Seeing through Chen Yingle's scheme to provide her with the same attire left Chaoyang admiring her resourcefulness. To quietly get her to wear such clothing, achieving it even without her knowing, was a clever move. After all, Chaoyang's belongings wouldn't be easily handled by others. Perhaps Chen Yingle's success in this plan was also due to this dress harmonizing with Chaoyang's thoughts, showing no signs of being unusual.

Nevertheless, it was unclear what Chen Yingle intended by going to such lengths to prepare two similar garments.

Chaoyang's gaze shifted away from the woman's dress to meet her eyes, without any blame, only a tinge of indulgence.

Chen Yingle was caught off guard by Chaoyang's gaze and could not conceal her unease, lowering her eyelashes to mask her confusion.

"Your Highness, having a woman who has reached the age for marriage participating in the Peach Blossom Festival seems to break the rules, doesn't it?" Shen Qianyi spoke up, trying to restrain her emotions.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them somewhat—could someone of the legitimate princess's status be questioned?

Everyone fell silent when they heard Shen Qianyi's words. Although her sentiments echoed theirs, not a single person dared to challenge the legitimate princess, even if she were to flaunt the rule. Offending the legitimate princess would still leave a way for reconciliation, but attracting the emperor's attention would truly be regrettable.

Chen Yingle seemed unperturbed by Shen Qianyi's questioning and casually replied, "I have invited a close confidante to accompany me. It seems Miss Shen has objections?"

By framing it as "only inviting a close confidante," Chen Yingle was fending off a confrontation. Shen Qianyi twisted her handkerchief, her face turning icy.

"Fine, I will have the court attire prepared for you later. Tomorrow, I will send someone to escort you to the banquet. You should prepare yourself." Chen Yingle's tone was indifferent, and her expression betrayed no dissatisfaction, but her words were far from pleasant.

Prepare? Did she really need to return at this time, put on this dress, and apply makeup? It was simply a pretext to send Shen Qianyi away.

These women, being astute, understood the underlying meaning. Immediately, many of them looked at Shen Qianyi with a sense of schadenfreude.

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