Chapter 4: Soul Returned

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Chapter 4: Soul Return

"Soul Return"

Rumors swirled through the Kingdom of Yunqi like a tempest. "It's said that the fool princess is no longer a fool."

spread like wildfire throughout the entire Kingdom of Yunqi. For 13 long years, she had been deemed as a foolish and witless figure, but now, out of the blue, she had regained her senses. This unexpected turn of events elicited a myriad of emotions from the people of Yunqi. While some were genuinely elated at the prospect of the princess's restoration, others couldn't help but feel a conflicting mix of emotions. The possibility that the princess, who had been a source of shame and humiliation for the people of Yunqi for over a decade, might now be redeemed was a bitter pill to swallow, regardless of their beliefs.

The slender fingers of the Princess rhythmically tapped the tabletop as she sat in front of Shuwen, who kept her head down, not daring to interrupt and only surreptitiously picking at her ear, silently cursing the storyteller on the stage who thought he was being discreet as he spewed the saliva of his story.

"Are you displeased, Awen?" the Princess asked with a faint smile.

"Your servant... enjoys it," Shuwen replied, lowering her head even further, her heart aching. Inwardly, she pleaded, "Your Highness, please don't always take pleasure in teasing me."

"Very well," the Princess said as she withdrew her gaze and, once again, contentedly listened to the storyteller's exaggerated yet interesting tales.

Regarding Shuwen, the young woman who had been serving as her personal scribe for ten years - while she may not have had the courage, her temperament certainly remained amusing. Did she really think the Princess hadn't noticed those subtle gestures?

"Do you know about the news that the princess is no longer being considered mentally challenged?"

"You're seriously out of the loop, aren't you?" a voice tinged with smugness replied. "I've known about it for a while now, and it's absolutely true!"

Another voice, with a slightly rough tone, remarked, "How did she suddenly become 'unfoolish' after 13 years?"

"You may not know this, but my wife's younger brother is acquainted with a very knowledgeable person known as 'Baixiaosheng.' It is said that the princess fell into the water at Prince Jin's mansion, and nearly died. However, she miraculously emerged from the ordeal unharmed."

The speaker expressing surprise interjected, "Princess Jin... She wouldn't..."

"Keep it to yourself, you know the consequences if this information gets out!" A hush fell over everyone, silently reprimanding the speaker.

"Lady..." Shuwen quietly called out to the princess, stealing a glance at the people at the table.

The Princess shook her head and made a silencing motion. Shuwen did not speak further, but her ears perked up.

"According to reports, Princess Jin bravely plunged into the icy water to rescue the princess. Everyone knows that Princess Jin is delicate, and the lake was frozen during winter. Princess Jin risked it all to save the princess..."

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