Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Over the next few days, my Mama Lena and I were wrapped in a haze of lust and delight. She took me everywhere she went, even if it was to the bathroom, and indeed her control of me was so complete that I had to ask to use the bathroom, because this required her permission and presence. She wanted to supervise and clean me, which unnerved me at first, but she was quick to mollify me.

"My darling swan," she said, "you are my treasure. And I will be sure to care for my treasure in every way. You shall have to grow used to this intimate care. This is just one way I show my love and dedication for you."

This was enough to satisfy me. She did indeed own all of me, after all. She was my everything, and I was hers. Knowing I was hers made me filled with joy.

She took me all over her home—no, our home—and introduced me to the women who helped her maintain it. Many were bought and bound to the home, like those of the inner chambers, and others were paid amazingly for their time, like the kitchen and security staff. She wanted me to memorize their names, all of them, because I would one day own the household.

I was still in awe over that. A slave? Own a household?

"Your freedom is tied to my eventual death, so that you are able to own the household and all that the estate entails," she told me. "You and I will live long lives together, like our swan clan values decree. And I will leave you a comfortable nest of your own."

"I would rather have you," I told her.

She beamed at me, leaned in, and kissed the tip of my nose. "And I you, my cignet. Now come, let us tour the gardens."

The first time she showed me the gardens, I laughed and clapped and spun about and played. She owned a gardening slave who kept puppies, and the slave gave me one as a gift to her future mistress. I gave the gardener a chaste kiss on the cheek and thanked her for my roly-poly gift.

The gardener spoke softly to Mama Lena, who smiled and kissed the woman on the cheek in a loving way. "Go and find Xenia, and take the rest of the day together."

When I gave Mommy a questioning look, she smiled. "I gave Xenia to her when she pleased me by building these gardens into what they are. She and Xenia are a couple now. They have two children, and live in a cottage on the edge of the property."

"Why is Xenia not freed?" I asked curiously.

"I prefer to keep my treasures underneath the umbrella of my ownership. Xenia is a gift to Fatima. Fatima deserved her in every way. I gave Xenia to her because the two had already fallen in love, and I knew that no matter what, Fatima's ownership of Xenia would keep Xenia safe and protected by law."

"Oh. Mommy, you're so smart." We were walking amongst the rose garden, enjoying the potent aroma of the many blossoms.

"Silly swan," she said lovingly. "I shall teach you slave law so you know how to protect all the treasures under this roof."

"I want to be certain I get it all correct," I said seriously, holding my puppy as she licked my chin. "I will memorize everything you tell me."

"That is good, sweet love," she said adoringly. "There is much to learn. Each slave in this household is a family member, and every staff member is a respected citizen."

I looked at her curiously. "Mommy? Who can I command, and who can I not?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, um, I do not want to step on anyone's toes, but I want to know my limits."

Mama Lena kissed my forehead. "Any freed person in this home cannot be commanded by you. They are freed, and you are property by law. You may not even try, and if you do, I shall punish you for it with a harsh spanking to remind you of your place."

I bit my bottom lip as I felt a shiver run through me.

"However, most slaves are beneath you. Most. Valued slaves, like Fatima and Xenia, answer to me, not you. If you try, and they tell me about it, I shall punish you. You must learn the valued slaves from those below you. Sometimes it may require a punishment." Mommy pulled me close. "Take heart. Punishments are a learning experience. And I should enjoy one day striking you with a bamboo flogger for the intense delight of it."

"I can't stop shivering, Mommy."

"Don't be so hasty to land yourself in trouble, my swan," she said lovingly. "Now come. Let us take your puppy back to the house and give her a name and some dinner. Yes?"

"Yes, Mommy. Thank you! I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

"Can I thank Fatima for the puppy somehow?"

"It isn't necessary. She must give you a gift, as a way to please you and keep her place in this home."

"I don't understand."

"She cannot stay here without knowing her place and providing for the home, including giving you a joyful present. It is expected of her, as a protector here." Mommy kissed me sweetly. "Just as it is expected of you to mate with me for life."

"I will mate with you over and over and over and over."

"Then after we settle your new puppy in her home, I shall put on a toy, and you shall climb into my lap, and I shall fuck you deeply and intensely."

"Yes, Mommy. Please!"

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