The Outlaw Armaggon

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"Select that quadrant, Raph. Scan there." Leo said.

"Why do they get to mess around? They should be helping us find the Triceratons." Raph stated.

"Professor's testing out April's psychic powers. He's training her. I can hear them now." I said.

"Okay, April. In which of the spheres have I placed your Tessen?" Professor asked.

"That one." April stated.

"Ding, ding! Excellent. Fantastic session. Your psychic abilities are marvels waiting to be unlocked." Professor stated.

"Thanks, Professor. How do you know so much about the human brain?" April asked.

"Since it's the only part of my original body left, I have extensive knowledge on brain matter. Neurophysiology." Professor stated.

"You never fully explained how you became a cyborg, dude." Casey said.

"Well, then allow me to enlighten you. I am from D'Hoonib, a planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe. I was working on a new form of psionic technology when our friends, the Triceratons, came looking for me. The Triceratons attacked because I refuse to build them weapons. They were furious, destroying everything in sight. My robot assistant placed my brain inside its own body. It saved my life. [end of flashback] Man merged with machine and I was reborn. When the Triceratons found out I was still alive, they deemed me a criminal, a Fugitive Android." Professor explained.

He opens up his head to reveal his brain.

"Spongy." Mikey said.

"Mikey! If you had a brain, would you want somebody poking it?" Raph asked, grossed out.

"It's quite alright. It tickles. Hehehe. Ohh, don't. But I do have a great fear of losing my humanness. I don't want to be thought of as just a machine." Professor said, sounding worried.

"We never think of you as just a robot, Professor." I stated as something hit the ship.

"What the heck is going on, Fugitoid?" Leo asked.

"Something's attacking our ship!" Professor exclaimed.

"You needed a control panel to tell you that?" Raph asked.

"Donnie, see anything?" Leo asked.

"I can't pinpoint it, but something's out there." Donnie stated.

"Uh, guys? You might wanna take a look at this." I stated.

"What is it?" April asked.

"Was that a- a space shark?" I asked.

"Space shark? Wicked! That's, like more metal than Vikings on motorcycles, bro!" Casey said.

The shark ship started to destroy one of the cameras and tear the ship apart.

"We're gonna need a bigger ship." Raph stated.

"Captain Leo, what are your orders? Um... Leo?" Mikey asked.

Leo had his space suit on and started to head outside.

"Leo, are you crazy? What are you doing?" I asked

"I got an ugly beast in my sights." Leo stated

He shoots the shark away and then he charges at him. Leo gets knocked down as it comes again.

"Donnie, got any info on this thing?" I asked.

"Armaggon. Bounty hunter, space assassin. wanted in 87 star systems. Wow! I bet we have Lord Dregg to thank for this." Donnie said.

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