Attack of the Mega Shredder

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I don't own this picture! 


Me, Leo, Raph and Donnie are in Donnie's lab. 

"I say full frontal assault. We bash our way in. Take no prisoners!" Raph stated. 

"Remember last time, Raph? We couldn't even get through the front door!" I stated. 

"All we need is better stealth! Which leads me to present my latest invention." Donnie stated. 

Donnie had made himself a dumpster machine which should be a stealth vehicle.

"What's with the mess?" Leo asked. 

"That's my latest invention. The Mark X-1 Experimental All-Terrain Urban Stealth Vehicle." Donnie said. 

"You invented a dumpster?" Raph asked. 

"That's the point, Raph. It's supposed to blend in perfectly with.. um the other trash littering New York City. Come on, let's test it out!" Donnie said. 

"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech. How's this thing gonna help us?" Leo asked. 

"Look, if we wanna break into Shredder's lair, I think the thing to use, not a giant lumbering robot they can see coming from a mile away. The Foot will never see us. It's perfect." I stated.  

Later outside, we are inside the dumpster.

"Worst. Invention. Ever." Leo stated. 

"Ugh, and I thought this thing smelled bad on the outside." Raph stated. 

"Okay, guys. Let's do this." I stated. 

We began to pedal together as the dumpster began to move slowly.

"Remember the plan. We break into Shredder's lair, steal those brain worms. Donnie reverse-engineers them and then we take Shredder down." I stated.  

"Doesn't sound too hard." Mikey stated. 

"Any slower and this thing would be going in reverse." Raph stated as it starts getting heavier. 

"Is it me, or is this thing getting heavier the more we peddle?" Leo asked. 

"Mikey, check the periscope." Donnie stated. 

"Aye, aye, captain." Mikey said. 


"Uh, we got a stowaway, Cap'n. He's eating a Choco-log. I love Choco-logs." Mikey stated.  

"What? Give me that!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Donnie began to use it to trip the man out. Later, they sneak to the church.

"Firing sausage cannon." I stated as I shot a sausage as a distraction. 

"Here they come, dude." Mikey said 

The toilet spits water at it, causing the robot to get electrified.

"Here comes number two." I said. 

"I got this one." Leo said. 

The dumpster releases a few tricks and destroys the bots as we escape. 

"You see? No fuss, no muss. The perfect city stealth vehicle." Donnie stated. 

"Now let's head for Stockman's lab and capture the Brain Worms. Stealth only, ninjas." Leo stated as Mikey trips and he apologized. 

Donnie picked up the door's lock and then we begin to enter inside the lair by using stealth.

"Almost to the lab." I stated. 

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