I, Monster

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"Okay, here's the plan. Donnie, you're going to strike first." Leo stated. 

"No, wait. You want me to come at Splinter? I'll get pummeled." Donnie stated. 

"Well, getting pummeled is your specialty." Raph stated. 

"Trust me. It's all part of my plan to catch Splinter off-guard." Leo stated. 

"Uh, Leo, don't take this the wrong way, but against Father, your plans always get our butts whipped." I stated. 

"Okay, new thought. Y/n, you attack." Leo stated. 

"He took it the wrong way." Mikey stated, but I didn't mind. 

"Enough talk. Let's do this." Raph stated. 

I try to kick Splinter, but Splinter grabs my legs and kicks me to the ground. Donnie tries to attack him, but he kicks Donnie to Raph. Splinter notices me, tries to hit me, but I dodge attacks and punches Father in the face. I become shocked and horrified by hurting my father.

"Ah! Father, I'm sorry." Leo stated. 

Leo gets pinned down by Father. 

"Oh, man. Y/n's a goner." Donnie said. 

"Oh, nodie dodie." Mikey said. 

"Well done, Y/n. But just when you had the advantage, you hesitated, and that made you vulnerable." Father stated as he got off me. 

"Hai, oto-san." I said.  

"Now, that is all for today. Unless you care for a rematch." Father stated. 

"No, thanks." Donnie said. 

"I'm good." Mikey said. 

"Yeah, I think we're all set here." Raph said. 

Father leaves into his bedroom.

"Y/n! Little sis!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"Not bad." Raph stated, which was his way of saying, 'I'm proud of you'. 

"Sis, I can't believe you actually tagged sensei. That was epic." Leo stated. 

"The hand that punched Splinter. You know, you can never wash this again." Mikey stated. 

"I gotta say, guys, it was all teamwork. We are definitely getting better." I stated. 

"Think we might be catching up to Splinter?" Donnie asked. 

"Yeah, maybe soon, we won't need him to train us at all." Mikey stated. 

Unbeknownst to us, their sensei overheard their conversation and is saddened and perturbed.

"Now, now, Mikey, let's not go that far. He may be our sensei, but he's also our father. He raised all of us, gave us a home and most important of all, he gave us each other. None of us would be here if it weren't for him, so let's go thinking that when we're done training with him, we'll just leave and never come back. Besides, he's is the greatest father I could ever ask for." I said. 

"What about your real parents, won't you go out and find them and stay with them?" Donnie asked. 

"I sure hope not." Mikey muttered, giving me is puppy dog eyes. 

"Of course I won't leave you guys. You're my family, even if by chance I find my real parents, I won't just say goodbye, just like that. I'll stay here and visit my parents from time to time, that is if their in New York, but if they aren't, then their is a one in a million chance I will ever find them. Either way, I will never leave you. When I'm here, I have my oni-chans and oto-san and I'm happy, how could I ever leave?" I said. 

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