Campaign 2.9

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Sierra was having mixed feelings. What ever was given to her made her feel delirious, and hazy. She was with in the underground structure. Zero was looking over her now, comparing it to the report that the hospital had made. 

"06. I take it you are willing to assist in an upcoming attack. The PRT are preparing to track down Bakuda. I will be assigning you, 03 and 07 to join them in their attack on her last workshop that has been located." Zero explained.

"Perhaps Panacea would be willing to heal the injury." 05 said, as he examined the information on the terminal.

"Doubtable. Interactions with her may be harmful. Just be cautious with the arm." Zero noted.

Sierra nodded, sitting as she had her arm bandaged. Getting her costume on, she put on the collar, and adjusted the dials.

"06. I want you to be careful." Zero stated. 

"Understood. What of 011? Is she ready?" Sierra asked.

"She is. I will have her observing the coms situation, let it be a learning experience for her." Zero explained.

Walking out from the lab was a teenage girl, her hair short, a buzzcut, with glasses and wearing a set of clothes that were fitting, along with a lab coat. Sierra walked over and looked at her.

It was most certainly Taylor who was cloned, but they didn't have the same expression.

"011. Hello. I am 06." Sierra explained.

"Hello 6th. I like this meeting we are having." 011 stated.

"May your work under Zero be a enlightening experience in how we operate." 06 said.

"I already know how we operate. Or did you mean one of understanding my role in the operations?" 011 said, tilting her head to the side.

It was almost...robotic. Perhaps she could be out of the base a bit, later, she needed to develop more human traits. Was she like this at some point? Sierra tried to remember, and realized....she was like that for a short bit. 

"011. I will be giving you a special task in the coming weeks. You are familiar with the Major Capes in Brockton Bay, correct?" Zero asked.

"Yes, Zero. I know the names and recorded powers of the known capes of Brockton Bay." 011 said.

"Good. We will construct a costume for you. There is an individual I want you to be observant of." Zero explained.

"Understood sir." She said, nodding her head.

Sierra would walk away from the interaction, joining the others as they moved to the door. The way to the surface was a short maze of tunnels, that eventually lead to a storm drain outlet. 

"Communication check."06 said.

"I am reading you all clear. Directions to the PRT rally point are on display." 05 instructed over the communicator.

06 extended her arms, having them become wings, and she winced in pain, her wing a bit shorter than the other.

"Will you be able to fly 06?" 03 asked.

"I will, it is only a minor injury." 06 said.

"Very well. I shall take the rear guard, 07, I request you take front. 06, stay in the middle." 03 explained.

The trio went off and took a direct path to the PRT rally point. As 07 landed, it became clear that New Wave was also present, and were glaring at her. 

"Come to fight again?" Lady Photon asked, clenching her fist at 07, having it glow with light. 

06 landed gently, slowing her fall and gently landing. 03 would approach from around the corner, standing with his arms behind his back. The rest of New Wave prepared to fight, as the PRT and the Wards present tensed up.

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