☆ Detective☆Sunoo ☆

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Sunoo was working on a very important investigation.

He mostly spent hours in his office figuring out a new case or a missing person.

He would be in his office for hours and not even realize the time. By the time he would finish, it would be real late and he would already have to be at work in a few hours.

You sometimes ask him to take a break, and he will, but he'll only take a break for a few minutes and go back to his work.
"Hm, I'd wonder..." he said to himself, looking at the board of people going missing.

He'd pick up a mug off his desk and take a sip while reading over a paper. There'd be a knock at his door, and he'd look and then look back at the papers.

"Come in," he says, keeping his gaze on his desk.


He'd look up from the desk, and his gaze would soften.

"Y/N... What is it, love?" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"It's been hours, Sunoo."

He'd sigh and leans back on his chair.

"I know, but I have to get this done as soon as possible." Sunoo spoke quietly while looking up at the ceiling.

"Please give me a couple more minutes, love; I promise it won't take long," he said, reassuring you that he'll be done soon.

Although that is what he'd say, he would finish on time, but he never finishes on time.

He'd open his eyes, and his gaze slowly shifted to you."How long have you been at the door?" he said, noticing you standing there.

"You look stressed." You say walking over towards his desk.

"A bit, nothing to be worried about, I promise," he said, trying to brush this off to soothe Jas so she wouldn't be worried about him.

"Okay, have you eaten?"

"Not in a few hours," Sunoo said, closing his eyes again. He'd look back at you; he'd be tired, but he'd try to hide it by making sure he looked okay. He'd try to get back to his work, but it seemed like he was trying to force himself to pay attention to the paperwork.

"Babe, take a break. Just ten minutes to eat."

Sunoo hesitated for a second, then sighed.
"Alright, love," Sunoo said reluctantly. He'd close his eyes for a brief moment before slowly getting up from his chair with his legs a bit numb from sitting down for so long.

"Thank you" You smile, taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

Sunoo would follow along, his gaze would land on you, and he'd take note of how pretty she is all the time.

"So, are you hungry?" Sunoo would ask as he went into the kitchen with her. He'd be tired, but it's not like he can go to sleep right now. Although he could take a nap, he's been having a hard time falling asleep anyway. He'd go into the fridge and look what's in it.

"I already ate; we need to focus on you."

Sunoo chuckles slightly while grabbing some
leftover food.

"I know, I know, I just wanted to make sure you weren't hungry, love," Sunoo said gently as he heated up his food so he could eat it at the table.

He'd grab a fork and knife while he waited for it to heat up. He'd look up at you and stare at her for a moment, looking at her face and how beautiful it was to him. He'd then look away and wait for the food to finish heating up.

In the meantime, he leaned on the counter.
"You need to get some rest after Sunoo."
"I will, love. I'll take a break so I can get some rest and sleepp," he said gently. He'd pat her head and run his fingers through her hair.

Sunoo smiled. He'd go grab his food that was heated up and sit down at the table. He'd dig in without saying a word because he was pretty hungry. He'd take a bite out of the food and look over at you, who didn't have any food in her hands.

He'd assume she already ate; he didn't want to bug her; he just ate in silence.

After a few minutes of eating, he'd finish eating, and he'd stand up after placing the dirty dish in the sink. He'd wash his face before looking back at you and walking over to her.

He'd lean down and place his forehead on hers while closing his eyes.

He'd chuckle quietly.
"What do you want to do now? ", he asked quietly. He's still tired, but he tried not to make it obvious.

"Get to bed; you worked too much."
"Okay." Sunoo would take her hand in his; he'd look down at their hands while he led her to his bedroom. His bed is a bit messy, probably because he rarely gets time to himself to make his bed.

Once he got to his bedroom and the door shut, he'd let go of her hand and sat down on his bed and patted it for her to sit next to him.

He waited silently; he wanted to be close to her.

"Actually, sleep okay?"

"I will..I promise.." he'd say softly. He wouldn't fully mean it, though; he'd have a hard time sleeping.

Sunoo had a habit of overworking himself to the point where he'd forget to take care of himself.

Little did he know, all the investigation he was working on, was because of you.

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