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Sunghoon has been your boyfriend for almost 5 years. He was the soft, kind, and green-flag type of boyfriend everyone wished for, until he suddenly became cold to you.
It's like you don't even exist to him.

Sunghoon ignores you most of the time despite you asking questions; you don't know why he is like this to you. When you cry, he just simply leaves as if you don't matter.

You try to communicate with him, but the words won't come out. You feel frustrated, not knowing what to say to make him the loving and sweet boyfriend you knew. You are scared to approach him. He makes you feel sad and empty because he is cold to you and doesn't show any emotions.

You keep on asking yourself, What did you do to make him like this? You feel guilty for even thinking about breaking up with him because you still love him; he is your first love that you are scared to lose.

It's like he died and someone had to replace him. But this replacement didn't know anything about the person he used to be.

You hope that he will return to his original self; you miss him; you don't want to cry anymore; you don't like to feel hurt and in pain; but his silence makes you hurt; he doesn't even open up to you anymore.

You are scared that if he still ignores you and doesn't show emotions and care, you might break up with him; you are scared that you won't feel his embrace and kisses; and you are scared that if you leave him, he might not chase you either because of his stubbornness and cold-heartedness.

But with all that, You love him so much that you are willing to stay with him despite him being cold; you don't want him to be angry with you; you try to talk to him in a nicer tone; you hope he understands you and you two can work things out; and you fear leaving him even more than being with a cold-hearted boyfriend like him.

Today, you decided to talk to him.
Gathering all your courage, you walked into the living room where he was and sat beside him.

"Sunghoon, can we talk?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

Sunghoon is still looking at you with a straight face, and his voice is still cold.

"What do you want to say?" He asked again, already looking bored.

"Can we take a break?"

"A break..."

Sunghoon seemed more mad than usual as he spoke.

"Why should we take a break?"

"We've been together for almost 5 years! Why do you suddenly want to take a break?!"

Sunghoon seems very annoyed with you.

Sunghoon crossed his arms and turned his face towards the TV. He looks away as if you don't exist; his cold attitude is stressing you out.

"You can't leave me; I won't allow it."

Sunghoon stays quiet and acts like your cries don't bother him; his actions and cold-heartedness make you cry even more.

"You can't do this to me! I won't allow you to leave and take a break. We've been dating for 5 years; we've been through everything. Why now? What's bothering you so much that you have to leave me?!"

Sunghoon seems even more pissed about the situation.

You take a deep breath. "Don't turn this on to me, Sunghoon! Youve changed; you turned so cold and different, and I'm tired of it! Its like I dont exist!" You cry with all your heart.

"You are blaming me?!

"I'm sick and tired of your crying!"

"We've been together for 5 years!"

"What have I done wrong?"

It was a mess. Tears were falling as Sunghoon stared at you with anger.

"I've always been nothing to you but a sweet and kind boyfriend, but you only focus on my cold-hearted side. I've changed because of all your annoying words and stupid arguments!"

You sat there wiping your tears as Sunghoon continued yelling at you.

"Why can't you just accept me for who I am?
I'm sick of your tears, I'm sick of your annoying words, I'm sick of you, and I'm sick of your stupid  attitude."He says he is looking at you.

"I just miss the old you," you managed to say.

Sunghoon turns around to look at you; even when he is angry, he is still very handsome as he speaks with a cold voice.

"There's no way back, Y/N. If you don't like it, you can leave."

"That's why we are taking a break, Sunghoon."

"We are not taking a break. I don't even like the idea of taking a break."

"Then I'll leave and never come back," you say, standing up.

"If you want to leave so bad, go; I won't stop you; I won't even care."

Sunghoon looks down and stays quiet.

"Fine. Then I'm leaving," you say.

"Don't even bother coming back; you'll regret ever leaving me."

Sunghoon doesn't seem to care about you leaving, as he looks down with his arms crossed.

You quickly grabbed your bag and left the house.

A week later...

Sunghoon is drinking some coffee with his friend; he seems happy, as if you never existed or left, as he is talking loudly with his friend and laughing.

"That girl is just so confusing! We've been together for almost 5 years, and she had the audacity to say she wants to take a break,  seriously."He says this as his other friends laugh with him.

"How can you just leave if you're bored with someone? That's so immature!"
Sunghoon laughs out loud as he continues to speak.

"She even thinks that I'll chase her; no, I won't; she even called me cold-hearted; that's just so funny; why can't she just accept my cold-hearted side? I'm like this, and I can't change; she just needs to accept who I am."

Sunghoon chuckles and sips on his coffee as he talks to his friend. His phone suddenly rings as he takes a look at the caller ID and sees your name. He seems confused as he speaks with his friend.

"That girl is calling me?"

"What could she want?" His friend asked.

"I'm not sure, man."

Sunghoon didn't know if he should answer you, but his heart told him too.

"Im just gonna go to the washroom" he says to his friends standing up.

He walked away and answered your call.

"Sunghoon, please, I need you," he hears you whisper.

"Ugh, I'm busy with my friends."

Sunghoon seems annoyed as he picks up the call. He puts his phone on his ears as he listens to your voice, and he looks away from his friend.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Someone kidnapped me; I need your help, Sunghoon, please!" He heard your cries, making his eyes widen.

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