☆ Mission☆Heeseung ☆

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You were matched with Heeseung to do a job that consisted of getting infiltrated into a party where your organization believed some illegal exchanges might happen during that night.

You were getting ready for the event when you heard someone clear their throat. Confused, you turned and saw Heeseung staring at you, annoyed.

"Are you done yet, or are you going to take it all night?" Heeseung asked

Your boss had asked you two to act as a couple during the party, so unfortunately, you had to tolerate him.

The party was held in a large manor with plenty of rich people inside, making it the perfect spot for illegal transactions to happen.

Heeseung walked to the entrance, taking a last drag on his cigarette before pitching it and taking a deep breath. He checked his pockets one last time, making sure he had everything he needed for the mission.

Once you got inside, the noise of the music and the chatter of the guests filled your ears.

You saw people in fancy clothing drinking, laughing, and dancing. Heeseung was waiting for you at one of the corners of the entrance, his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Sorry, I'm late, love." You smirk at him.

He seemed slightly annoyed by your comment but tried not to show it.

"Try to be on time next time." He said, his tone making it clear he was not amused.

You rolled your eyes but took his hand anyway, knowing your boss had made a point of saying you two looked believable in your roles as a couple.

He pulled you a little closer to him and led the way towards where the bar was while pretending to smile at you.

The bar was located closer to the middle of the party and was where the rich people and wealthy individuals would go for drinks.

Heeseung led the way, pulling you along with him and making sure you stayed together at all times. It looked like he was trying his best to be friendly, despite the fact that he couldn't stand you.

Once you got to the bar, Heeseung tried to find a place where you two could stay without causing suspicion.

Fortunately, there was a table in a corner nearby that looked empty, so he took you there and told you to wait before going to order drinks.

"Did they really have to pair us together?"
You sigh, not even trying to make eye contact.

He sighed "I know. Our boss asked for us specifically since he believes that our roles as a couple would make it more believable, and he wants us to accomplish this mission in the best way possible.

"Just try to be a little more friendly and try to act like we care about each other for once. We need to do this.

He sighed again, his temper clearly showing, but he tried to hide it as he took a deep breath.

"That being said, try not to stay away from me at all during the event. I don't need anyone coming and questioning why we always hang out together, and if you avoid me, people would get suspicious, so stay close to me, okay?"

"Whatever babe"

"Do not call me 'babe'" He said it firmly, his expression still not changing, but you could notice a twitch in his eye that hinted he was trying to not blow up with you.

Hearing his voice changing tones, you laughed, making him sigh. He seemed incredibly annoyed by you.

"Don't test me." He said, his glare fixed on you as if he were about to say something else, but decided not to.

"Come on, at least treat me with love," you tease.

"No." He said it simply, seeming frustrated at you for even asking that.

"I don't need to treat you nicely." He said, still glaring at you.

"So rude"

He glared at you with a mix of annoyance and anger but remained silent, not wanting to say anything else that could worsen your interaction.

You look behind him. "Target's here"

You looked where he was looking when he said that and noticed a guy who looked shady, holding a briefcase. It was a little odd, so you guessed that the person that your boss suspected could do some illegal exchanges during the party.

Heeseung also saw him but kept a cool attitude, not wanting to cause any noise since he didn't have the proof to arrest him already.

"That might be our target. We should go closer to him without getting seen." He said this, lowering his voice. You could notice his eyes focusing on the man holding the briefcase.

He started moving closer towards the target, making sure to go unnoticed by the general public attending the party.

He was careful not to make any noises and kept his eyes on the target, trying not to lose track of him.

You followed closely, doing the same and keeping your eyes on the target as you both got closer to him. However, he still hadn't done anything suspicious yet; he was just looking around while holding a briefcase, not even making an exchange with someone yet.

Suddenly, a gunshot could be heard.

That shot caught your attention immediately, and you saw everyone around starting to panic as people tried to find the source of the gunshot.

Heeseung pulls out his gun to protect me and him.

Heeseung took his gun out as soon as the gunshot happened, looking around for the shooter. The guests started to yell and run away, which caused the shooter to start panicking as well and try to blend in with the crowd of people.

He sees the guy pull out a pistol and put it in front of you, causing Heeseung to yell at you to run away.

The shooter had spotted you two and taken out his gun again, aiming it directly at you to try to stop you from interfering.

Heeseung immediately yelled at you, trying to get in front of you as soon as he noticed the gun aiming at you, protecting you, and trying to cover you with his body.

The shooter had started to panic as the guests and the other people attending the party had started to flee from fear, which caused the general confusion to rise even more.

Heeseung was still protecting you with his body while he was also keeping an eye on the shooter, ready to defend you if the shooter decided to try aiming at you again.

The shooter is hitting Heeseung instead of me.

Even though Heeseung tried his best to protect you, the shooter managed to aim correctly and shoot Heeseung instead. The bullets hit him, and Icarus fell to the ground. It seemed to be a leg injury from one shot and a chest wound from the other.

As his vision started to blur, you could see him looking at you with a worried look as he grabbed his chest and winced in pain.

The shooter runs as you drop down and help Heeseung sit up.

He was still in pain, and it was clear to see he was struggling. His facial expressions clearly showed that he was in a lot of pain. However, he still managed to talk.

His voice was hoarse, but he still seemed worried about you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice shaky, as he tried to sit up a little.

You ignored his worry and called for backup in your earbud.

He tried to sit up more, but was too weak to do so. He was in a lot of pain and had to bite his lips to try to avoid screaming or yelling.

He saw you taking out your earbud and saw that you were calling for backup.

You could hear the general noise of the party from outside start to fade away, as it seemed that the guests had now all left the manor.

He looked at you with a hint of worry in his eyes. His breathing was shaky, and you could tell he felt cold. However, he managed to nod a little.

"I'm going to be fine." He said it, his tone shaking.

"Just stay with me." He said, his voice shaky but trying hard to remain still and calm. You could see he was still bleeding from his leg and chest wounds, both injuries requiring medical assistance.

"Don't leave me..." His voice continued to get shakier as he tried to keep conscious, but his body was starting to get weaker by each second, and the blood loss was causing him to feel cold and lightheaded.

"N-no no"

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