The Black Vulture: Chapter Two (Photo of Charlie)

Start from the beginning

"No, Charlie, if you can't come with me, I'm staying here." I said. When we were at the gate where slaves go through to hunt, the guards stopped us. They said that I was the only who can hunt since Charlie had gotten two stones from the last hunting trip.

"Audrey, please?" Charlie pleaded.


"Audrielle, If you can't get a stone today, they would kill you. You heard Miss Margarette, If you disobey their orders...." He trailed off. A sad look passed through his eyes.

I sighed heavily. "Fine. I'll hunt."

The corner's of his mouth twitched but it didn't form a smile. "Thank you,"

We hugged each other goodbye and I went back to the gate. Blackstar was with me, along with my sword and crossbow. I wrapped my hands at the vial around my neck.

When I finally reached the gate, the one of the warlock guards started talking.

"Only a pass from the Head Warlock of the House can get you through this gate."

I took out a piece of wood carved with Miss Margerette's crest and gave it to the Guard. He examined it closely and spoke again.

"Always bear in mind the rules of hunting. You should only...." He babbled on but I didn't listen anymore. I memorized these rules by heart.

You should only be hunting for stones, nothing else. Do not ever attempt to escape. Otherwise, the markings around your arm that binds you the warlocks will tell us where exactly you are. As a punishment, you will be executed...

There are a lot of rules for hunting for stones. But only one rule catches my attention.

"...If you ever see the warlocks' enemies, the Wizards, kill them immediately. They, too, are searching for stones which will give them power. Never hesitate to kill them. If they ask who you are, never tell them that you are human. They have these blue markings at their wrists which distinguishes them as wizards. Kill them." the guard had said.

I always wondered what wizards look like. I never saw one. But warlocks had always reminded us that they were enemies, never to be trusted.

"You may proceed." the other guard said. The gate was opened and stepped outside to hunt.


Blackstar screeched. I knew he smelled stones. He flew faster and I had to run to catch up with him. 

"'re flying way...too fast...." I breathed heavily. I put my hands on my knees. If Charlie was with me, he'd probably given me something to drink.

When I looked up, I realized we were in a desert. Blackstar landed on my shoulder, gracefully. Even though vultures are ugly--really ugly--birds, they landed with grace that made you look at them in awe.

I scratched the back of his head. "Good job, boy."

I unsheathed my sword and walked slowly. You never know if someone tries to attack you. Wind blew and I immediately covered my face with my arms. I wrapped myself in my cloak but sand was touching my face. I silently hoped that there wasn't going to be any sandstorm.

When the wind subsided, I saw something glistened. I ran towards it and realized that it wasn't a stone. I grunted in frustration. I was about to walk away when I realized that something was buried under the sand. I brushed away some of the sand and jumped in surprise.

A hand was buried under the sand.

I quickly brushed off the sand and found a body. A body of a boy, about the same age as me. He had beautiful golden hair. I stretched out my middle and index finger to check for pulse. I was about to place it at the side of his neck when his eyes opened.

Blackstar flew away in surprise and I quickly placed the sword in front of me. He looked at me with through his piercing green eyes. He slowly stood up, I was about to help him when he unsheathed his own sword and slashed it at me.

Our swords met with a loud clang. He kept advancing on me until I lost my grip on my sword and fell on the ground. He let the tip of his sword touch the hollow base of my throat.

"Who are you?" the boy asked. I was looking around for my sword when I saw his wrist. It was covered with odd blue markings. 

'They have these blue markings at their wrists which distinguishes them as wizards. Kill them.'

A wizard.

This boy was a wizard.

"I'm asking you again, who are you?" The boy asked a second time. The blade was pressing deeper into my skin.

'If they ask who you are, never tell them that you are human.'

"I don't know." I muttered, avoiding his eyes.

"You don't know?" His voice skeptical. "Fine, are you a wizard or a warlock?"

"I already told you, I don't know. I must've hit my head because when I woke up, I was in the middle of the desert." Yeah, that's me. Lying Audrielle always convinces everyone.

He looked at my wrists, to see if my markings were either black or blue. But he looked taken back when he saw nothing.

He released his sword and stared at me for a moment. His eyes were very confused that my wrists were bare.

"What are you then?" He asked. Curiousity leaking out of his voice.

"Ugh. For the hundredth time, I don't know," I said convincingly.

"Fine. If you really don't know, I'm taking you with me." He stood up and brushed his hands together.

"And may I ask where might that be?" I stood up myself.

"Chandleor." He said, clearly irritated.

"Is that a where, a what, or a who?"

"It's a place, idiot." He rolled his eyes.

"Place for?" I asked impatiently.

"Killing warlocks."

My eyes widened slightly. I can't come with him. The warlocks would track me down.

"I'd love to hang around but I kinda....can't." I started walking towards the other direction.

"Where are you gonna sleep then? I thought you woke up in the middle of the desert."

Man, he sure is a good listener.

"I love it in the desert. It's really...warm," Okay, that was a dumb excuse.

"Listen, girly, I'm offering you a place to stay for the night. I'm sure you're a homeless little girl who has no place to sleep in. Take it or leave it."

"Thanks for the offer, but I can handle myself, okay?"

'If you ever see the warlocks' enemies, the Wizards, kill them immediately.'

Okay, I can't kill this guy. He almost killed me. I'm just gonna walk away and find another place to hunt for stones.

I picked up my sword and started looking where Blackstar was. Suddenly, a hand was holding my wrist. I looked back and saw the boy standing in front of me.

Before I even got to ask what he wanted, his fist connected with my face.


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