fifty seven

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*Aria's p.o.v*

We've been at the hospital for three days now. Carina had told us yesterday that we were able to leave today. She wasn't able to come to work today, so we got Jo to help us get discharged. When we finished signing all of the discharge papers, Andrew helped me sit on the wheelchair. He gently put Matteo into his car seat and he carried him out. A nurse pushed me out to our car and I waited for Andrew to help me get inside.

I watched him as he attached the car seat into it's base. Once he heard it click, he closed the door and went over to my side. We both agreed on letting me sit in the back with Matteo when we made our way home. When I got placed in the back, I quickly fastened my seat belt and I watched my little boy as he slept peacefully beside me. I smiled at his cute little sleeping face and I held his little hands.

Andrew: Are you guys okay back there babe?

Me: Yeah *I smiled up at him*

Andrew: Okay, well tell me if it's too cold or too hot back there.

Me: Will do.

He gave me a smile through the mirror as he starts to drive our car. The drive to the apartment didn't take too long. Matteo woke up a bit whenever we would pass any humps, but he'd go right back to sleep afterwards. I just relaxed my head a bit and looked forward to laying in my own bed again.

When we got to the apartment, Andrew unattached the car seat from its base and carried it. I got out of the car with a bit of his help and I carried my bag. I slowly started to walk and Andrew would stay right beside me in case I had tripped. We get into the elevator and we went up to our floor.

Andrew had gotten his keys out and he unlocked the apartment door. He lets me walk in and I watch as he closes the door behind us. I looked up at our living room and I saw Maya and Carina.

Me: Maya? Carina? What are you guys doing here?

Maya: Carina had told me that you guys would've been exhausted when you had gotten home, so we wanted to help you guys settle back in for the night.

Me: I feel like we don't get a word in this

Maya: You're right. And by the looks of it you look exhausted, so go to bed. Rest. Eat. We'll be your little babysitters for the night.

Me: I don't have time to argue right now, so just wash your hands and you guys are more than welcome to help. Also, about work. When can I go back?

I looked at Andrew who was giving me a confused face but I just shrugged my shoulders.

Maya: Well you have 3 whole months for paid leave. Then you can come back whenever or you can use your sick days to take off work.

Me: Three?! That's too long.

Andrew: Babe, that's not very long.

Me: I know, but like I was wishing to come back in one month. I don't care if it's desk duty. And plus I bet you want to go back and do surgery.

Andrew: Babe, surgery isn't important to me right now. What's important is you and Matteo.

Me: I'll be sitting at a desk. No fire. No scenes. Just the desk. And I can even bring Matteo with me, so that you can go back to work and we don't have to leave him at some daycare. Also, I bet everyone at the station will be willing to help out when I need to rest or something.

Andrew: We'll talk about it.

Me: That's fine with you though right Maya? Just a month on paid leave then I can go back to work.

Maya: I mean yeah, but you'll be doing a lot of resting and that's final.

Me: Whatever. Just if I'm back at work the better. I missed working with you guys.

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