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*Aria's p.o.v*

Andrew had dropped me off at the station, since he wanted to make sure I got there safely. He's been doing it ever since we found out that I was pregnant. I loved how protective he got over me, but it kind of got annoying sometimes. Once I got to the station, I gave him a kiss before I headed inside. When I got inside, I went straight to the locker room and I put my uniform on. 

Once I had everything on, I headed downstairs to meet up with Vic. I saw that she was talking to an old man and she had told him that Dean was the Chief. I stood behind them, which made Vic turn around and said that I was an assistant. I looked at her confused, but I kept on following what she was trying to tell the old man. We got into the elevator and we headed upstairs. When the elevator doors open, we got out and Vic directed the old man to the lounge.

Vic: Alright, just...make yourself at home, sir. We'll be right with you, okay?

Dean: Mm-hmm. 

The old man walks away and Dean and I approach Vic.

Dean: Fire chief?

Me: Assistant?

Vic: Ixnay on the irefay. 

Me: Do what the what?

Vic: It's pig Latin.

Me: That's not a real language.

Vic: Okay, Dean and Aria, he doesn't even know his own name. Okay, he clearly has dementia, maybe Alzheimer's. He's lost. We have to help him find his way home. 

Dean: How? 

Vic: We play along. Try to help him remember his name or where he's from. It's easier for us to be in his reality than try to drag him into ours. Okay? So just roll with me on this, please. *looks at Dean* You owe me. 

Dean: Are you gonna pull the baby card every time you need something? 

Vic: Oh. Yeah. Thought that was our deal, right? 

Me: But...I  don't owe you anything.

Vic: You're my best friend. You get to do what I want you to do.

Me: That's not fair. You don't get to pull the best friend card.

Vic: I do. Because if you wanted me to do something, I'll do it.

Me: *I groan* I hate you.

Vic: I love you too *walks away and smiles*

We all headed into the lounge where the man was sitting at. I stayed behind Vic and Dean and I watched as Vic talks to the man. 

Vic: Alright! Welcome to the Chief's office, sir. You mind if I take your coat for you? 

Man: Uh, y-yeah, yeah. Alright. Uh, s-sure, uh... *takes of his coat* 

Vic: Let me help you out here

Man: Uh, thanks, doll. 

I look up at Vic as he calls her doll. I watch as she digs into his jacket to find some information on the man. I see her pull out a card, which I'm assuming is his ID. 

Vic: Mr. Earl Davis. 

Earl: Could I, uh, get a-a-a black coffee, uh, sweethearts? *looks at me and Vic* 

Dean: Oh, Victoria and Aria. Do bring the man some coffee, please. *smiles widely*

Me: *I mouth* I don't like you.

Vic and I walk out of the lounge and we headed into the beanery to make some coffee for Earl. It took Vic and I a couple of minutes to make some coffee. Once we got everything set up on a tray, we headed back into the lounge to give it to Earl. 

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