Chapter 15

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Hunter's Pov:

As usual, I enter the palace and proceed towards my work place, the royal kitchen.

"Good Morning!", the servants in the kitchen greet me.

I wear my apron and read what's on today's breakfast order.

"Hazel! Come here. Help me with carrying these utensils", I order.

"Chef! who's Hazel?", one of the servants ask.

And I look around to find that Hazel is nowhere to be seen.

"Where did she go?"

I rush towards the door, running across countless corridors and then I find Hazel at the back entrace of the castle with...with crown prince?!


I saved Hazel from getting into trouble with the crown prince. Thankfully, I got there before she could get herself locked up in jail.

I take her to the kitchen where at the moment there is no one except for us two.

"What were you thinking, Hazel?", I shout at her angrily. "You could've got into serious trouble! You know that?!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get lost on purpose."

"Whatever, just get away from my sight."

Her expressions tell me that she's hurt but the damage is done and now I'm too angry to care about her.

She leaves the kitchen and I start working as usual.

Hazel's Pov:

Hunter scolded me like it was my fault. I wouldn't have got lost, if he took better care of me. That dumbhead!

He even told me to get away from his sight, huh. Watch, how I make him worry about me.

Now, that I don't need to work in the kitchen, I should look around the castle. And I have to spy on them too, so I better know my way around here.

I start by the ground floor. There is only the kitchen, the dinning room and dorm-rooms for servants that live here permanently.

The castle is too vast so there are 4 sets of stairs that lead upto the 15th floor. Okay, now I just have to memorize the blueprint of this castle so I can run away easily from any kind of trouble.

While touring the castle, I come across a room on the 14th floor which is as large as Hunter's whole cottage.

The name tag on the door says that this is crown prince's room.

"And his name is Kaiden."

"Hey! Hunter's wife, what are you doing here infront of my room?", Kaiden asks.

" was looking for you sir! Hunter told me that you were in need for a servant and since I'm not needed in the kitchen at the moment, I thought I could see if you'll need me to do anything."

"Good thinking...girl, by the way, what is your name?"

"It's Hazel, sir."

"Hazel, hmm, nice name", he says and thinks for a moment before telling me to follow him in his room.

He orders me to clean his whole room?! How can I clean a room as gigantic as his?

"Do I have to do it now, sir?", I ask.

"Yes. Go bring the supplies and start cleaning. I'll be right here reading a book and making sure no dust particle stays behind, got it?"

"Yes, sir."

I go downstairs to the 1st floor where all the cleaning supplies are and bring it all the way up to the 14th floor.

I guess I'll die by going just upstairs and downstairs in this giant castle with no elevator.

I clean Kaiden's whole room and he even makes me wipe every piece of furniture in the room TWO times.

"Good work, Hazel. That's it for today. Tomorrow you'll have to clean my library so be prepared.", Kaiden says smiling.

"Clean your library?! Who do you think you are! I'm not your slaveee!!!"

~to be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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