Chapter 3

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Hazel's Pov:

I feel my head exploding with pain.

"Where...where am I?"

I open my eyes to find myself laying in a bed in someone else's house?!

Oh! I remember my encounter with that boy claiming to be from another planet.

I observe my surroundings which isn't very abnormal for an alien. It's very much similar to what we have on earth.

"Wait! Was he really making fun of me?"

"No, darling. I wasn't.", the pretty faced guy appears out of nowhere and clumsily lands on the floor.

"Did you...did you just teleported?", I ask totally amused. My grip on the blankets covering me tightenes. I wonder if he has abilities which could hurt me.

"Yeah, I did. I know I'm really terrible at it but don't make fun of me. I'm still practicing.", he gets up from the floor and approach me, placing his hand on my forehead. "You've still got high fever, you should rest more."

I lay back down following his command as my eyes stare at him with disbelief. How can one be so freaking handsome!

"Close your eyes and drift off to sleep, love. I'll answer all your questions when you wake up, okay?" He stares into my eyes and for some reason I find myself giving in to his commands.

He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and I immediately fall asleep.

----few hours later----

I wake up with a terrible headache. My head feels heavy and I feel low on energy. I wonder if that guy did any kind of magic on me.

I look around his house which is literally the kind of house I save on my pinterest board: "cottage-core asthetic". His house is something like straight out of a fairytale and not gonna lie but he looks like a prince himself with bewitching blue eyes.

While roaming around his house, I see a lamp which is just so pretty I wanna take it home. I try to touch it but his hand stops me.

"Don't touch it, you'll ruin it!", the blue-eyed guy interrupted my little tour of the house.

"My soft hands won't break it, don't worry.", I responded.

"Yes it will. You were gonna touch my favorite lamp which I bought in an auction for an amount I was saving since middle school.", he said. "You wouldn't know the value of it."

"You think only your life was full of struggles.", I argued. "I had to live alone without anyone to look out for me and now I ended up here all alone and I don't even know what will you do to me." I yelled my lungs out as if it'll do me any good. By now, he must've known how pathetic I am.

He is looking at me like he's feeling sorry for me but I don't need or want his sympathy. I walk to the front door ready to leave for I don't know where.

Btw when I approach the door, I-

        ~to be continued~

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