Chapter 10

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Hunter's Pov:

Flying in the sky is something every magician could do even a non-skilled one like me. I'm glad I saved Hazel from getting hit by a bicycle.

She seems so impressed by my skills although it's literally nothing compared to what actually skilled magicians could do. But I'm just happy to see her smile.

I still can't ask for her forgiveness for making her suffer but I'm trying to make up for it and for the help I'll ask of her tomorrow.

I just have to make sure she trusts me enough to help me. I'll have to do everything I could to make her trust me. If master had not feeded her that wine then I would've bewitched her long ago.

----some time later----

We're home now and everything just feels awkward. Neither she is speaking nor do I utter a word.

"What...what will you eat for dinner?", I try to strike up a conversation.

" can choose what you wanna eat."'s getting more awkward!!!

What do I do?!

"Wanna cook together?", I ask.



I help her tie the apron and she helps to tie mine. I giggle at her cuteness. I never noticed her extremely beautiful emerald green eyes till now. And how the whole room lights up when she smiles.

Woah woah, am I really attracted to this alien?!

I must not be getting enough sleep.

We cook noodles and have it for dinner. I decide to sleep in the living room letting her have the bedroom for herself although it wouldn't be awkward for us to sleep next to eachother as we already did so once.

No, no, throw that thought out of the window, Hunter. You must not do anything to make her angry.

"Good Night, darlin'!", I smile at her.

"Good night", she says with a neutral expression.

What does it mean? Does she like me or like like me? I'm not sure. The only thing I'm sure of is that she'll definitely fall for my good looks one day,  even if I do not use my seduction powers.

Maybe she wants me to make the first move but why would I do so? I'm too handsome to make the first move.

I better not think of her OR fall for her. I just have to get help from her and nothing else. Just help and nothing else.

I fall asleep with her thoughts on my mind.

         ~to be continued~

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