Chapter 2

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Hunter's Pov:

I jumped into the magical lake my father made as his last creation before dying.

He told me that this will lead me to a place where people like us live but they do not possess any magical powers like us. He said I could get help from there for our secret mission.

But those without powers, what could they even do?


I crawl out of the lake which led to the planet earth. When I tried to stand up, a tree got in my way and I ended up hitting my head.

I fell down and now I feel too lazy to stand up again. Why does this always happens to me?

"Is he wearing those medieval style clothes in this era? What a weirdo!", I hear a female voice slowly approaching.

Her hands almost touch my  pretty face but I get up quickly and shout,"Don't come near me. I know karate!"

"Oh really, then show me some of your moves.", The girl scoffs as if she's making fun of me. Didn't she notice my good looks? I bet she haven't seen a boy as handsome as me. So why doesn't she seem interested?


I try to do a high kick to scare her away but instead I start falling backwards losing my balance. I look towards her helplessly and my eyes express a need for help.

She immediately extendes her hand to hold mine but her little strength wasn't enough to help me up and so we both fall into the lake.

I can breathe underwater so it isn't scary for me but the girl was acting weird as if she can't breathe.

I suddenly remember that she's not from my planet so she might not be able to breathe underwater.

I look at her struggling but only after a couple of seconds, she faints.

I grab her by the waist and help her out of the lake. We end up coming back in my planet.

"Hey, girl. Wake up! Are you okay?"

She doesn't reply.

"Is she dead?"

Suddenly she becomes conscious, coughs out water she swallowed earlier and looks at me surprisingly.

"Is there something on my pretty face?", I ask touching my face to find what could be hurting her eyes to look at.

"Why is it suddenly day time?", she says observing the surroundings. "I remember I just fell into the lake and it was night. So is it day time?"

"Well, girl, this isn't your planet so this doesn't follow your timezone. It is daytime here that's why it's bright."

"What the heck are you yapping about? Another planet? Is this some kind of joke?", The girl speaks as if it is so unbelievable.

I've been to many other planets regarding my secret mission but no one ever seemed surprised to meet an outsider. I guess her planet has yet to achieve space travel. Or maybe her planet haven't met anyone from outer space.

"If you can't believe me then you can go back in the lake. That'll lead you back to your planet. How about that?", I suggest.

"I'm aquaphobic, I can't go in deep water. And I know you're lying, there's no way all that nonsense is true. I must've been unconscious for a long time.", she is such a drama queen. Who the hell is afraid of water anyway?

I ignore her opinions and just grab her hand and jump into the lake taking her back to her planet.

"Now, do you believe me?", I ask.

She is shivering catching her breath as I realize she must really be afraid of the water. I feel sorry for her but I won't apologize for it. There's no way I'm gonna apologize to her.

"You're stupid!", she shouts. "I told you I am aquaphobic, why don't you understand?"

"I didn't know anyone could be afraid of water or be unable to breathe underwater. Everybody on my planet can do so, so I considered it a norm. Who would've known you were such a scaredy cat?"

She passes me death glares as if I'm gonna be afraid of her.

"Look, your lake is making weird noises and is this lightning coming from it?", her eyes settles down on the lake. "Is your lake broken, will you be unable to go back to your planet?", she asks as we both watch the lake create unusual lightning and weird noises.

I realize she's right, I might not be able to go back. I must go back before it's late but I came here to ask for help. How can I go back without getting anything or anyone?

"I wonder if you could be of any help.", I look at her with a look of judgement.

There's not enough time. I must decide quickly.

"What are you mumbling under your breathe? Are you going back?", she asks looking at the lake.

"I'm really sorry but you have to go with me.", saying that I jump in the lake with her before giving her time to say anything.

We both travel to my planet where as soon as we reach, the magical lake dries up. I'm glad I made it just in time.

I look at the girl who is again coughing out water she inhaled.

"Are you okay?", I go near her and place my hands on her shoulders. She looks in my eyes with the same deadthly glare for a moment and then she faints. Her head crashes on my right shoulder and for some reason, this makes my heart flutter.

"I guess she fainted due to shock."

I take her to my house because that's the only safe place for her. If any of those royals find out that I'm seeking help from other planets and even brought a girl from one of them, then they will certainly execute me.

       ~to be continued~

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