Chapter 13

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Hazel's Pov:

To be honest, I find it extremely hilarious to think that a single person, okay that's two now, so two people who are neither physically strong nor mentally (except me) are gonna fight against an entire empire.

That is just so absurd!!

I guess he's just a teenager with an overactive imagination. But I don't know how to convince him otherwise.

The best I could do for now is to support him and see where this actually goes.

Master explains what we need to do in order to get the throne back and what role I've to play in this.

So, the wine he made me drink earlier was actually meant to be drunken by an earthling in the first place. And that is because the powers of the wine work on earthlings the best.

According to him, that wine somehow made me immune to every magic spell existing and that will be especially helpful for our mission as they could put me up for bait anytime because there is no possible way to harm me for them.

"Can they really not harm me at all?", I ask to be meticulously sure.

"They can harm you physically with weapons like you earthlings use but the royals don't keep it with them nowadays so you won't be harmed too easily. Till the time they figure out that you're unaffected by the magic spells  it will be enough time for you to run away.", Master speaks with passion I'd thought I'll never see again.

Maybe this is really important for them. I might not know the gravity of the matter but for the long-term stay here, I'd do everything in my power to help them.

I nod to everything he tells me to be careful of and reassure that I won't get in trouble.

"Shall we go now?", Hunter inquires.

"Yeah, we should.", I reply. "See you later, master.", we both bow to master before leaving.


We arrive in the palace which is much bigger than the ones we ever had on earth.

'This must be heaven', my brain thinks but it is not true though.

By the things I learned about the king from Hunter and master, I don't think it is the best place for me.

The king must be really greedy and cruel in order to kill someone from his own family. How could someone stoop so low for a mere throne?

Okay, I agree that's not just a throne but The Throne that rules an entire planet but still it doesn't justify the murder of a family member. And this might not be the only murder he ever commited to get where he is today.

I'm afraid to go any further in the palace since I know the truth or the partial truth as the king might have commited other gruesome crimes that I do not know of. But the palace is really beautiful. I wonder who build something like that or how is it still shining so brightly.

The front garden is full of flowers and lovely butterflies. The architecture done on the building is too elegant and graceful to not stare at.

I don't even realize that I'm circling the same place as I'm too amused. Hunter is nowhere around and now I notice, I am in trouble.

"Why did this dumbhead left me here all alone? Now, what am I supposed to do and where do I go?", I look around trying to figure out which way to go.

I guess there is a magic spell on this place, that is preventing me to enter any further as I'm coming here for the first time and may be a potential threat (that's true though).

"Hey, you. Who are you and what are you doing here?", someone calls me from behind.

I get goosebumps and a sudden rush of adrenaline.

What do I do now?!!

~to be continued~

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