Chapter 1

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Hazel's Pov:

My window was kept open for the night and now I'm woken up by the sunlight which is hitting directly on my face. "What an annoying way to start a day!"

I quickly wipe off the annoyed look from my face and put on a smile. I'm about to go to the last school trip as this is my final year in school and I should atleast be feeling happy today.

I look in the mirror trying to smile genuinely. After failing miserably, I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower.

----half an hour later----

I walk downstairs hoping to get a warm breakfast which no can can cook for me cause I live alone. I fogot I live alone. It happens rarely, now that I'm used to it but it still feels like yesterday when both my parents died and no other family member took me in. I was just 15 when this happened but the memories haunt me till today.

"Okay, babe let's not be depressed. Put on a smile, even a fake one will do but just smile, okay?" I try to reassure myself as I always do.

I put on some music to accompany me during my lonely breakfast. Minutes later, I get a call from my class president.


"Are you coming for the trip or shall we leave without you?", her voice is aggressively calm as if she's mad but she has decided not to show it.

"Am I late?!"

"Yes, you are. Now, come on just get here quickly, we're leaving in 15 minutes."

I look at the clock and panic strikes my mind. "It's 9 a.m.?!"

I quickly swallow the last bite of my food, pick up my backpack and run.

My school is just 30 minutes away from my home if I walk-
"BUT NOW I am running late and I have to get there fast."

I ran as fast as I could and I made it just in time. "Thank God!"

It was exactly 9:15 when I reached my school. The teacher incharge of our bus scolded me a little but I was too out of breath to listen to her rant.

I got on the bus, chose the window seat and sat quietly.

"Is anyone else running late?" The teacher shouts.

"No, ma'am.", The class president replies.

"Let's go!", The whole bus roars in excitement but I'm not interested in listening to them. I am too tired to participate in the fun. The part time jobs that I do to stay alive kept me up pretty late last night and now I'm feeling sleepy. I drift off to sleep in no time.

----8 hours later----

I wake up by the sounds of never ending car horns in the traffic and now it's 5:30 p.m. A few minutes later, we reach our camping site.

We'll be camping tonight and tomorrow we'll be back to home. There isn't much to do besides talking to friends and playing games like truth and dare.

Since I do not have any friend, I distance myself from the games they're playing and decide to take a walk in the nearby woods.

The trees here are super tall, the air is fresh and I somehow feel alive and free from all the responsibilities. I like it here. I wish I could stay here forever.

After walking for almost 20 minutes I realize I've came too far and now, I should go back.

I turn back and the smoke from the campfire could be seen. I feel reassured that I'm not lost although I wished to be.

While walking back, I see a lake that wasn't there earlier. I shouldn't be curious and return for my safety but I choose just the opposite. I go near the lake and see an unconscious boy lying there.

"Is he wearing those medieval style clothes in this era? What a weirdo!"

I turn on my phone's flashlight and see a bruise on his forehead. I rush by his side and as my hands slightly brush against his skin, he frantically wakes up and shouts,"Don't come near me. I know karate!"

"Oh really, then show me some of your moves." I'm flustered by his visuals but I try to act cool.

He tries to show me a kick but instead he loses his balance and starts to fall backwards. I hold his hands to stop him from falling but we both end up falling in the lake and then my aquaphobia strikes and I faint almost immediately.

          ~to be continued~

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