🍩Chapter 8🍩

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[Third Person P.O.V]

"I'm sorry you fucking WHAT!?" A glitchy skeleton exclaim in shock and anger at a goopy skeletons on the other side of his phone.

"Look- i explain later okay?! J-just come here- wha..? Dust no! God dammit- Stay away from the child!!-" the call ended..

Once Error pick up the phone he didn't expect Nightmare to be sounding very stress and the sound of a little girl crying/screaming in the background.

Chara has been nonstop crying for hours stressing everyones out and his gang, how stress? As stress as Nightmare trying to stop the others from killing the child.

Error groan in exhaustion as he open a portal to Nightmare's castle, the first thing he see was the goopy skeleton using his tendrils holding back the other skeletons as a child is literally placed on the coffee table crying and sobbing.

"Well fuck.." Error simply pull out a chocolate bar and shove it into the child's mouth and almost immediately Chara stop crying munching on the chocolate silently..

[♥︎Chara♥︎ P.O.V]

I hate it here and i wanna go home! I want my mom i want my sibling Frisk and i want Flowey! I don't like this new life i hate everything!- oh look chocolate! :0

I start munching on the chocolate silently as the weird glitching version of Sans gave it to me, this clones of Sans it's all so creepy.. since when Sans have the time to clone himself? But i don't even think they're even his clones.. each of them have different height and looks..

The glitching skeleton then turn to the other skeletons with his boney hands on his waist bone, what's they call..? Idk..

I stop paying attention to them and to what they're saying as i continue to eat the chocolate in peace..

[Error P.O.V]

"She's only a replacement" Nightmare said to me which caused me to raised a bonebrow before he added "something happen to the actual Chara in that original AU, her-"

"Them" i corrected.

"No- well i mean yes but now they're a girl"


Nightmare continued "anyway- It's either a glitch or an error but whatever it is i don't know what to expect.. Her code problem hadn't caused any trouble yet but her character codes refuse to accept the original Au's codes to make her one"

I frown at the informations "so what you're saying her codes refuse to make her an original..?" That does not make any sense.. codes can't do that.. unless she's an anomaly.

Nightmare only shrug dropping the others onto the ground and continued once again while walking pass me "that's what the codes said" he then pinch Chara's cheek roughly making the child whimper and tear up.

"Nightmare the fuck?" I said confuse "there's too much positivity in the multiverse, this child can help us to keep the balance stable.." now i look more confuse, he then told me to check the child's soul which i did..

That child is definately not a human..


"So we're not allowed to kill her or-"

"Shut the fuck up Killer."


[Still Error P.O.V]

Nightmare and i move the child to the kitchen, it was a bit cruel to just sit back and watch as the human cries and sobs.. luckily she isn't too loud now.. still cruel though..

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