Chapter 65 - Give it straight

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[AI art and screenshot by me]

"Everyone is staring at us."
Ominis was somewhat bewildered by himself, finding Clarissa's soft giggle following her statement rather pleasant. Motivated by her information, he consciously stretched once more to appear even more impressive and elegant as he walked with her through the Great Hall. She had linked her arm with his, and from the rustling of her dress, Ominis could roughly estimate that it wasn't just him as her escort that was drawing the stares. 

He knew from countless infatuations and sentimental musings of some of his male and female classmates that Clarissa Wood apparently possessed a physical beauty that would never fully reveal itself to him. The only things he perceived at the moment were her perfume, the silky softness of the skin on her hand, and the unusual gentleness in her voice when she spoke to him. He immediately wondered how her hair would feel, which he had often heard was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Shall I count how many people in this room are whispering about how envious they are of your dress?" he asked softly, letting the small smile that wanted to spread across his lips take hold. Clarissa's laughter had ceased, and from the way her arm tensed slightly against his, he immediately sensed that she was not yet able to start the evening completely carefree.

"No," she finally said with a delicate sigh in her voice. "I'd prefer it if you could care for me while I drink so much that I can gracefully endure the sight of Nathan and Anne."
Ominis nodded subtly; he had been wondering when the topic would come up. He had neither sensed Nathan nor Anne nearby so far, and he was sure that the two of them would definitely greet him and Clarissa as soon as they arrived.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to make sure you only have eyes for me all evening," Ominis replied, immediately feeling Clarissa's gaze on him, a mix of confusion and gratitude.
Clarissa had to admit that she now saw him with completely different eyes. He looked really good in his elegant, perfectly fitting suit, and the dark blue that was almost black matched her dress and hair so well that it seemed he had chosen it especially for her. It felt good to have him by her side, knowing that he had no indecent intentions or was trying to win her over in some way. Clarissa was glad she had put all her hostility aside for a moment and asked him to the ball. Ominis was probably just the right person for this evening.

"I must admit, Phina is really missing out. You look... remarkable," she said, immediately wondering if she had ever found it so hard to find the right word that wouldn't come off completely wrong or too sycophantic. But Ominis' calm, relaxed aura instantly made her feel that she didn't have to worry about such things tonight.

"Thank you. I'm pretty sure she prefers Sebastian's company to my appearance without regret," he said, deliberately not even trying to conceal the underlying pain in his words. Clarissa had been just as open with her feelings, so it was only fair to do the same.

"Well, then it's my job to make sure you're satisfied with my company too," Clarissa replied, gently brushing his arm in such a way that Ominis was sure she assumed he wouldn't notice if she was careful enough.

"Shall we get a drink first?" he asked in his typically polite gentlemanly tone, already turning confidently toward the small bar that had been set up in the Great Hall just like last year. Clarissa glanced around for Nathan once more, but he still didn't seem to be present, and she cursed herself inwardly for even caring.

"Yes, definitely. I also dance much better when I'm a bit tipsy," she said, briefly casting a slightly sarcastic look as she noticed Duncan Hobhouse watching her from a distance. Ominis had also noticed Hobhouse but showed no sign and simply continued his proud stride with Clarissa by his side.

Cursed (Hogwarts Legacy fanfiction - original in German)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat