Chapter 32 - Don't forsake him

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Even though Ominis still wondered how the two of them had managed to free Phina and escape from his family, he had to put that question on hold. What was more important now was to find out what had happened between Sebastian and Phina, what had agitated her so much that she firmly and almost panickedly rejected him. 

Nathan tried to hold his wand in his hand as discreetly as possible, so that the situation wouldn't escalate completely. Sebastian already looked as though he might explode at any moment. The Keeper descendant, therefore, cautiously kept some distance from them, ready to intervene at any moment, whatever awaited the four of them now. 

There was no one else in sight in the entrance area of the Bell Tower, no other students, no Aurors, no teachers. Nathan and Ominis eagerly awaited either Sebastian or Phina to finally reveal what had happened in that garden house that had incited Phina so extremely against Sebastian.

"Phina, I... I'm sorry. But..." Sebastian started, attempting to catch her gaze, but she had squinted her eyes and leaned her head against Ominis, making it impossible for Sebastian to look directly at her.

"I want him to leave me alone..." Phina said with an almost pleading tone that Ominis could barely endure.
"Please, Phina, believe me, there was no other way," Sebastian replied somewhat helplessly. 

When he tried once again to approach Phina, Ominis immediately turned with her to the side, shielding her from him with his body.
"Stay where you are, Sebastian!" Ominis commanded him in a rather authoritative tone, then he refocused on Phina, soothingly stroking her back with both hands.

"What happened, Phina?" he asked her, to which she only responded with a soft sob while shaking her head. Now Nathan intervened again.
"What did you do, Sebastian?"

Sebastian had never heard Nathan's voice so accusing and threatening as in this moment. He no longer seemed like their friend and fellow student but almost like one of their professors who had caught them red-handed seriously violating a school rule. The air in the room suddenly felt impossibly heavy on Sebastian's shoulders, and he couldn't help but get lost in justifications.

"I saved Phina from killing that girl!" he defended himself now, meeting Nathan's gaze quite grimly and defiantly. Sebastian knew that Nathan had probably saved both Phina and him, but now he wondered what the Keeper descendant would have done in his place. Sebastian was tired of constantly being judged for doing the necessary dirty work that none of the others would ever dare to undertake. It always fell on him to make such decisions, and it just wasn't fair that the others reprimanded him for it. 

Ominis disliked the atmosphere altogether; even under the soft fabric of his shirt he felt an uncomfortable, prickling sensation.
"Tell me what happened, Phina," he addressed her now because he didn't want to give Sebastian any further stage in this matter. He knew his best friend well enough to understand that he would try at any cost to portray his misconduct as absolutely necessary. Sebastian was a true master at that, but Ominis had no patience for it in this moment. He had been so relieved to have Phina back in safety, but she didn't seem to feel safe at all, even though she was finally back at Hogwarts, in her home, and in his arms.

"He made me use Isidora's spell on a Muggle girl because your family insisted on seeing what my ancient magic could do," Phina explained now with a quivering voice, and Nathan's features suddenly froze. Only a brief moment later did he finally fix Sebastian with such a cold gaze that he no longer looked quite like himself.

"You did what?" he growled at him, and in the next moment, Nathan had already grabbed Sebastian by the collar with his free hand and forcefully flung him against the nearest wall, pressing him against it. Sebastian raised his hands in a placating manner; he had no intention of confronting Nathan, especially after witnessing firsthand that Nathan was apparently a more powerful wizard than he let on in their everyday school life.

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